Greyrescue-L Members

Welcome to the Greyrescue-L Members page! Here, you'll find pictures of the greyhounds of greyrescue-L! Check back often, we'll be adding pictures as they are received!

Duke, Hope and Star own Missie Harhold of Michigan. Duke(left) is currently 7, Hope (center) is 2 and Star (right) is 4. Duke, Star and Hope have their own webpage, Duke & Star's Doghouse. See the link below.

Tigger and Hamlet adopted their human, David Carter, in North Carolina and are currently residing in Oklahoma. Tigger (5) and Hamlet (4) have their own website. You can read all about them (and see more pictures!!!)at "The Brindle Boys Surfin' Safari."

Greyhound, Kylie, and her human companions. Kylie was adopted by her "mom," Robin, and the rest of the family. This picture is proof that greyhounds can get along with children, when properly supervised! You can read Kylie's story on the internet at "Kylie's Happy Ending"It's a great story.....starts out sad, but the ending truly is happy!

Here's Kylie again, with Dachshund, Bentley. This picture shatters the myth that greyhounds can't live peacefully with smaller animals. Many greyhounds get along great with smaller dogs and other animals. It is, however, important to follow the introduction advice given to you by your adoption group.

These two beautiful boys are Mr. Big, a 6 year old black gentleman, and Blueberry Wine, a 3 year old blue, frisbee playing maniac! They own their human, Gary!

Hot Links

GreyRescue-L PageList rules and information on how to subscribe to the greyrescue list!
Duke & Star's Doghouse
Greyhound DictionaryEver wonder what a "roo" is? How about "chipping?" Greyhounds, Tigger and Hamlet, provide the definitions to these words and more!
The Brindle Boys Surfin' SafariHome of greyhounds, Tigger and Hamlet! Great photos and be sure to check out Tigger and Hamlet's shocking greyhound "expose!"
Silk Road CollarsBeautiful sighthound collars! A portion of proceeds go to support greyhound rescue groups!
Greyhound Rescue Society/NYLocated in upstate New York, Greyhound Rescue Society is a non-profit corporation dedicated to the rehabilitation and placement of ex-racers in loving homes. Lots of great information and some beautiful photos of greyhounds!

Greyhounds GaloreGreyhounds Galore is located in Macon, Georgia. Lots of great greyhound information, pictures and information on adopting a retired racer!

Again, come back often to see the "Who's Who" of retired racing Greyhounds!!

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Back to Duke & Star's Doghouse!

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