Our Humans!

Well, if you've ventured this far, you're either very bored or you really want to meet our humans. Here they are, ready or not!!

Like I said before, my mom's name is Natasha, but we all call her Missie. She's 26 years old and she stays at home all day with me and my brothers and sisters. Dad's name is Mike. He's 27 years old and he's a police officer. Mom used to work at the police station as a dispatcher. That's how she met dad. She says she liked working there, but she has asthma and it started getting real bad. Her doctors suggested she stop working midnights, they thought that might be making her asthma worse. Well, there was no way she could stop working midnights. She didn't have enough time on at the police department to do that, so she and dad talked about it and they decided she should just stay home and take care of all of us. I like having her around, I never get bored or lonely.

Now for the good stuff. Mom thought it was just sooooo cute to put pictures of all of us on the internet, now it's her turn! I found some pictures of my mom and dad. They're a little old. Mom doesn't like pictures being taken of her. She's been on prednisone for her asthma for the past three years. She isn't really happy with the way it makes her look. She said something about how it makes her really hungry and that she has gained some weight since she started taking it. I personally don't notice, nor do I care. I love my parents for who they are, but what do I know, I'm a dog.

mom & dad at amusement parkdad in vancouver BC

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