The Parenting Corner: The Birthday Boy!

The Birthday Boy!

Dagan Alexander turned 2 on Saturday, November 1, 1997. He dressed up in a little vest, bowtie, and nice trousers and greeted several guests. Who showed up? Well, let's see..

Kevin, my boyfriend
My parents, Grandma and Grandpa (or, as he calls them, "Ma-ma" and "Pa-pa")
My grandparents
My aunt and her two daughters, age 12 and almost 2
My brother and his wife and son, age 1

Yes, even though it wasn't a lot of people, there sure were a lot of presents! He received many, many cars, books, clothes, a big garage, two fire engines, and so much more. He ate some cake, and mashed it on his face and nose (but he didn't mind). He treated the other young children nicely, and didn't complain when they played with his toys (well, for the most part he didn't!). There were dozens of pictures taken, and as soon as I get some scanned, I will put some of the cutest ones on this page.

Two lovely people wrote Dagan a birthday wish via e-mail. I'm very grateful to them!

Name and E-mailWeb SiteWhere They're FromTheir Birthday Wish to Dagan
Emma Mikayla
The Wonderful World of Emma Connecticut Hi ya Dagan, I'm Emma and I just had my first birthday. It was sooooo much fun that I can't wait for my second one. Seeing how you're already (well almost) 2 you should have a pretty good idea of what's coming your way. Remember to smile a lot and be appreciative. Your family and friends love you a lot. Enjoy the cake and ice cream too. At your advanced age you probably already know how to use a fork, me...I used my hands. Kind of messy, but fun!
Me and my folks wish you a very happy 2nd year. Take lots of pictures so we can see how it went!
Kevin Beyer
No Website Yet Missouri Hi Dagan! How is the nice boy? I hope I find you something you will like for your birthday. I'm still leaning toward a really large inflatable ball. Happy Birthday!!
I Love You - Kevin

This next year will be full of fun and suprises, I'm sure. I hope I can keep my wits about me long enough to write a "3-year old page!"

© 1997 Monica Emery

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