My Divine Encounter with the Lord
Beckie Zamora
A Handmaid of the Lord

I stand before you dear Father with humility
No trace at all in my heart of pain nor enmity
You mended my life so it’s no longer the same
Gone is the past, so are bitterness and shame.

You anointed me with the mighty Holy Spirit
My body trembled at first in thought it was all a myth
As I felt hot and cold, my tears rolled out
I was overfilled with power so gone are my doubts.

I heard you whisper to my once deaf ear
‘My special child, wipe now your tears
Its Me, your Father, who created you
I call you by name and I ask you to be true.

You patted my shoulder then gave me assurance
I am Your spiritual harvest so You give me a chance
With good conduct and your anointing, You’ve given me power
To be a leader and a steward in your vineyard.

Yes, my Lord, I shall lead like a shepherd,
Like Your Son, Jesus, I shall be always prepared,
I shall not be afraid of lions and tigers
Your orders and guiding words I’ll always heed.

With your help I’ll cross denominational lines
To fulfill Your purpose
I shall always care for your flock,
Defend them for your cause.

I shall comfort them no fail
In times of sorrow
And assure them with you Lord
There’s a bright tomorrow.

As a shepherd I’ll direct Your sheep to You
The provider of blessings, the healer of woes
I shall sacrifice my time, talents and resources
My own desires and ambitions for You.

I’ll crumble into pieces like Jesus
Who taught and modeled servanthood
I shall be your humble servant
Over mountains and woods.

Like Jesus, I’ll always be humble and meek
I shall die to my life and your kingdom
I’ll help your followers seek to be good servants
Because Jesus made me special
Just to hold His people in my heart.

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