New Puppy Pictures 7/21/98

Age 10-11 weeks Next 27 pictures:

Last Picture of Rika with all 5 of her pups

All 5 Kids

The Gang

It's Mine

Let's Rumble

Slumber Party

Mr.Red (No Offcial Name quite Yet)

Mr. Red"

Mr. Red

Mr. Red

Rika "Mom's in pretty good shape

for having pups 2 1/2 months ago"

Mom & Rose taking a Nap

Rose & Bro "Green"

Mr. Green

Mr. Green

Mr. Green

Bear & Bailey




Sid & Green

The Brothers "Sid & Zack"

Sedona "Sid"



Okay he's not a puppy but Bear

wanted his picture taken too

New Puppy Pictures 7/17/98

Age 9 1/2 weeks Next 4 pictures:


Aspen's My Heart Will Go On


Aspen's Hearts Afire

Aspen's Heart of The Hunter

"Sedona" aka Sid

Aspen's Lion Heart

My Scanner ate Mr. Red's Picture but it will be here soon

Age 8 weeks Next 8 pictures:

The Whole Little Herd , (left -right) Miss Purple, Mr. Blue , Miss Pink, Mr. Red, Mr. Green

Purple & Blue

The Whole Gang

Mr. Green "Aspen's Heart of The Hunter"

Miss Pink & Mr. Red

I Gotcha Mom

Mr. Red

Miss Pink

Next 7 Pictures Age 7 weeks:

Miss Pink

Mr. Red

Miss Purple and the remnants of her 1st Moose

I know I can do it!!

Mr. Green

Mr. Green

Mr. Green, Mr. Blue (aka "Moose") , Miss Pink

Next 8 Pictures Age 6 weeks:

Mr. Red

Mr. Green

Mr. Blue

The Brothers (blue, red & green)

Mr. Red

Mr. Blue aka "Moose"

Miss Pink

Mr. Green

Next 7 Pictures Age 4 weeks:

The Fab Five (Hopefully) Okay minus one who's in the background that wouldn't stand still

Chow Hounds

I can't believe I ate the whole thing

Next 9 Pictures Age 3 weeks:

I'm so Sleepy

New pictures as of 5/13/98 Pups day 4-8

Miss Orange

Mr Green & Mr. Blue

Miss Yellow & Mr. Red

Momma & son

Mr. Green

Miss Yellow

Mr. Blue

Back to Home Page

Rika & her babies day 2

The Kids

Rika taking care of the wee ones

A Very Pregnant Rika, 3 days before puppies were born

Another picture of a very pregnant Momma

5 Generation Pedigree for Puppies