Links To Cousins and Friends
Enlaces de Primos y Amigos

La Familia De Los Santos
My very first "de los Santos" psyberprimo! A "must visit" for all "de los Santos/Santos/Santoscoy" family members, or anyone else for that matter!!!

Broken Link as of 02/03/04

The Gary Felix Genealogy
Gary is also a (Santoscoy) primo. Another wonderful site for anyone interested in Mexican genealogy.
Eddie Pulido's Table of Trees
Yet another primo! So much to see, you just have to visit!!
The Tamaulipas Page
My dearest psyberpal and primo...Don Beto has a parallel MexicoGenWeb site that is specific to Tamaulipas....Informative, cute and often funny!
The Serna's of Northern Mexico
Yet another of Don Beto's project. Check it out!!
Viola Sadler's Web Page
Another prima who knows her genealogy...please visit her site. She also has Texas and Northern Mexico (NL)roots.

Broken Link as of 02/03/04

The Ancestors of Pedro Rodriguez
A good friend and probably also a primo. Pedro has done extensive research and offers quite a bit of information for us on line.
JJ Gallegos' Borderlands History
JJ is one of the most generous, knowledgeable and helpful people on line. I hope we turn out to be cousins too!! He also has done much to encourage interest in our Northern Mexico roots.

Padre Island & the Balli Family History Page
If you haven't already visited this site, go now!! A great site. Plan to spend a while reading about the Balli's and their struggle to reclaim their land .

Cano Genealogy
If you're researching the Cano's of Texas and Mexico, check out primo Danny Cano's wonderful site!!

A South Texas Family’s Families
Another great genealogy site. This is primo Jorge Cano's site for the Cano's of Texas and Mexico. Check this out as well!!

Descendants of Don Diego de Montemayor
A great site to visit if you have any Montemayores in your family lines.

Broken Link as of 02/03/04

More Links Coming Soon!
Check back soon for new links.

More Links Coming Soon!
Check back soon for new links.

More Links Coming Soon!
Check back soon for new links.

Other Interesting Links
Otros Enlaces Interesantes

Rootsweb Surname Search

The US/Mexican War - 1846-1848

Saints Alive

Dennis V Carter, Family History Researcher

Sephardic Jews

Hispanic Surname Database

José de Escandón, a map of "El Norte"

Map of Nuevo Leon

La Cocina Mexicana

more links coming soon!

more links coming soon!

more links coming soon!

This page was recreated Saturday, July 26, 1998 - 12:44:15AM and last updated Sunday, July. 11th, 2004

Maintained by Mercedes Marquesa.

I look forward to your questions or comments.

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