Nuevo León Preguntas
Nuevo León Queries


Reyes -I am searching for information on the REYES family of Nuevo Leon. Family members worth noting are Alfonso REYES, Domingo, and General Bernardo REYES. I would like very much to know when we came over from Spain and would love to make a connection with a relative on my mother's side of the family. My great grandmother was Eva SALCEDO REYES. She married Jose Loreto CAMACHO of Jalisco shortly before the Revolution of 1910. Any assistance would be appreciated. Gustavo Plumlee Posted January 20, 1998

Renovato - Monterrey - Hello My name is Juanita Renovato and I live in Schertz,Tx. USA. I'm trying to find my ancestor's. Are there Renovato's living in Nuevo Leon(Monterrey? Juanita Posted January 17, 1998

Gonzalez, Serna and Flores - Agualeguas, Nuevo Leon - Reasearching these surnames during the 1800's. Nancy Gonzales Taylor Posted January 9, 1998

Gil - Cerralvo or Revilla - Looking for Esperanza GIL (born 10-18-1924 in La Grulla, TX). She was the daughter of Andres GIL (born in Cerralvo) and of Maria Gertrudis ORTIZ (born 11-16-1882 in Los Ebanos/Las Artecitas, TX). Andres was the son of Pedro GIL and Gregoria MOYA. Also looking for descendants of Don Joseph Nepumuceno GIL (Age 32 in 1780 cencus of Revilla) who was mentioned in 1788 will of Bartolome Trevino. Thanks Roy McCandless Posted December 17, 1997

Cantu y Salinas - General Bravo - Trying to find out family history for the CANTU and SALINAS families. Thank you. Juan Cruz Posted November 9, 1997

Garcia Y Barrera - (pioneer settlers of Camargo and Mier), If anyone has found the ancestors of Gaspar GARCIA and his wife Gertrudis BARRERA, please contact me.
Si alguien se ha encontrado los antepasados de Gaspar GARCIA y Gertrudis BARRERA (pioneros de Camargo y Mier), favor de comunicarse conmigo.Eddie Pulido Posted 22 September, 1997

Fonseca,Victor - San Juanita, Nuevo Leon. I am searching for birth records of Victor FONSECA-BOCANEGRA born July 19, 1902 in San Juanita. I do not have parents' names, etc. I'm actually looking for parent information. Marta L. Young Posted Sept. 21, 1997

Garcia Y Barrera - (pioneer settlers of Camargo and Mier), If anyone has found the ancestors of Gaspar GARCIA and his wife Gertrudis BARRERA, please contact me.
Si alguien se ha encontrado los antepasados de Gaspar GARCIA y Gertrudis BARRERA (pioneros de Camargo y Mier), favor de comunicarse conmigo.Eddie Pulido Posted 22 September, 1997

Berlanga and Doria - Linares, Nuevo Leon. We are searching for information about two families that lived in Linares: Manuel BERLANGA and Francesca DORIA. Their daughter, Jacinta, married a Jesse D. LAWSON in Laredo, TX around 1870-1880. We have ordered microfilm from LDS that is supposed to contain information about births, marriages, and deaths that happened in Linares. We would be grateful for any other avenues to pursue for more information. Jeanne Garcia Posted 21 September, 1997

Del Bosque, Villarreal, Pompa, Cardenas and Hinojosa - From Cerralvo Nuevo Leon, Mexico From 1839 to 1930's. Researching my family tree. Family names Eugenio DEL BOSQUE, Martha VILLARREAL, Fermin POMPA, Josefa CARDENAS, and Dario HINOJOSA. If you have any information on these families please e-mail me. Thank you very much, Aurora Aceves-Davis Posted 21September, 1997

Berlanga and Doria - Linares, Nuevo Leon. We are searching for information about two families that lived in Linares: Manuel BERLANGA and Francesca DORIA. Their daughter, Jacinta, married a Jesse D. LAWSON in Laredo, TX around 1870-1880. We have ordered microfilm from LDS that is supposed to contain information about births, marriages, and deaths that happened in Linares. We would be grateful for any other avenues to pursue for more information. Jeanne Garcia Posted 21September, 1997

Del Bosque, Villarreal, Pompa, Cardenas and Hinojosa - From Cerralvo Nuevo Leon, Mexico From 1839 to 1930's. Researching my family tree. Family names Eugenio DEL BOSQUE, Martha VILLARREAL, Fermin POMPA, Josefa CARDENAS, and Dario HINOJOSA. If you have any information on these families please e-mail me. Thank you very much, Aurora Aceves-Davis Posted 21Sepptember, 1997

Oviedo, Catarine (Catarina) - Monterrey, Mexico. She is the sister of Gabina OVEIDO CHEVARRIA. Mrs Chevarria is looking for her. She hasn't heard from her since their fathers death around 1979. Catarine is over 50 years of age. Thank you. Pat Dietrich Posted 3 September, 1997

Morales,Teofilo - Am looking for information about the names MORALES, OCHOA, and MOYA from either Monterrey or Montemorelos. Teofilo MORALES born about 1895, lived in San Antonio Texas and died in either Brownsville, Tx or Matamoros. Delfina OCHOA MOYA born about 1898 and her parents Santos MOYA born about 1875 possibly in Spain, died around the Eagle Lake, Tx area before 1921 and Margarita OCHOA born June 10, 1878 and died in San Antonio Tx in 1934. Margarita's parents were Pablo de OCHOA and Maria Antonia MOYA. Any information is appreciated. DS Morales Posted 3 September, 1997

Diaz, Ignacius Joseph (Marquis de Cadeyrata) - Am searching for birth records. He was born about 1883. His parents were Abraham Heriberto DIAZ (GUTIERRES) and Maria del Carmen COLLADO de DIAZ. They were married about 1878 in Linares, Mexico. I believe she was born in Tamaulipas. Dr. Abraham DIAZ was a Mexican Consul to the U.S. In Florida. I searched LDS and am still double checking. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Marsha Carbough. Posted 16 August, 1997

De Leon, Eugenio - Immigrated to TX from Mexico in 1874 at the age of 20. I believe that he came from Nuevo Leon, but have no proof. He married Rosalia NEWMAN in Seguin, Guadalupe Co., TX in 1880. They lived in the Lytle, Bexar Co., TX area from the early 1900s on. Thanks. Dee Raymond. Posted 30 July, 1997

Castano, Jose Matias - His ancestors were found in Catholic church records from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Jose brought his family to live and work in the coal mines of Webb County, TX in 1888. Related surnames include: PINA, DE AYALA, AGUIRRE, CHAVES, and HERNANDEZ. Thanks. Dee Raymond. Posted 30 July, 1997

Solis, Benavides - Mis tatarabuelos son Pablo SOLIS (n. Sabinas Hidalgo, N.L.) y Ascunción BENAVIDES. Estoy buscando los padres de ellos. Su hija, Cleofas, mi bisabuela nació 1873 en Concepcion, Texas, por eso sus padres probablemente nacieron 20-25 años antes (1840's-1850's). Gracias.
My gg-parents were Pablo SOLIS (b. Sabinas Hidalgo, N.L.) and Ascuncion BENAVIDES. Looking for the parents of either or both. Their daughter Cleofas, my g-grandmother, was born 1873 in Concepcion, Texas, so her parents were probably born 20-25 years prior (1840's-1850's). Thanks. Guillermo Guerra. Posted 18 Jul 1997.

Garza - Quiero encontrar información sobre me padre y sus padres. Su nobre fue Roque GARZA y creo que nació en General Bravo en 1897. Por favor ayúdeme. Gracias.
I want to find out info about my dad and his parents. His name was Roque GARZA and I think he was born in General Bravo in 1897. Please help. Thanks. Victor Garza. Posted 7 Jul 1997.

de la Peña - Estoy buscando información sobre me abuelo Silverio de la PEÑA, n. en Rio Grande City, Texas 1899 y m. en Cerralvo, N.L. Mexico, durante los 1930's. El nombre de su padre fue Agustín de la PEÑA y el nombre de su madre fue Macaria CHAVERA. Quiero encontrar información sobre Macaria CHAVERA y Paula BENAVIDES (Paula estaba casada con Silverio).
I am looking for information on my grandfather Silverio de la PEÑA, born in Rio Grande City, Texas 1899 and died in Cerralvo, N.L. Mexico, sometime in the 1930's. His father's name was Agustín de la PEÑA and mother's name Macaria CHAVERA. I am interested in finding information on Macaria CHAVERA and Paula BENAVIDES (Paula was married to Silverio). C. Meinen. Posted 20 Jun 1997.

Cantu - Estoy buscando información sobre la familia CANTU. Julio CANTU nació 1890 en Agualeguas, Nuevo León, Mex. y mudió a Benavides, Texas en los 1900's tempranos. Sus padres fueron Diego CANTU y María Ignacia MERCADO. Los padres de Diego fueron Andres CANTU y Refugia CHAPA. Todos ellos fueron de México pero no tengo otra información. Alguna información sobre ellos agradecería. Gracias. Looking for information on the following CANTU family. Julio CANTU was born 1890 in Agualeguas, Nuevo León, Mex. and moved to Benavides, Texas in the early 1900's. His parents were Diego CANTU and Maria Ignacia MERCADO. Diego's parents were Andres CANTU and Refugia CHAPA. They were all from Mexico but have no other information. Any information on them would be appreciated. Thank you. Robert L. Black,jr.. Posted 15 Jun 1997.

Gonzáles - Estoy buscando información sobre la familia GONZÁLES. Lazaro GONZÁLES nació Enero 25, 1879 en China, Nuevo León, México. Él estaba casado con Isabel MALDONADO y mudieron a Encinal, Texas cerca de 1898. Vivió en esta area de Texas el resto de su vida y nunca mencionó su familia en México. Estoy buscando alguna información sobre el apellido de GONZALES en Nuevo León, México en los 1800s medio a atrás que puede coneccionar a esa familia. Gracias.
Looking for information on the following GONZÁLES family. Lazaro GONZÁLES was born Jan. 25, 1879 in China, Nuevo León, México. He married Isabel MALDONADO and moved to Encinal, Texas around 1898. He lived in that area of Texas the remainder of his life and never mentioned any other family in Mexico. Looking for any information on the GONZALES surname in the Nuevo León, México area in the mid to late 1800s that may connect with this line. Thank you. Robert L. Black,jr.. Posted 15 Jun 1997.

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