A Symbol of Serenity

A Symbol of Serenity

A caterpillar crawls through life fearing birds and heels and strife;

Going nowhere very fast, hoping, praying just to last until the day-may it come soon-

When safety's found in a cocoon.


Selfish insect that it be hanging high in a hickory tree, soon it learns the woeful story

That there is no earthly glory being buried in self-pity when in truth life can be pretty.


Thus, when ugly worm grows weary of this useless life so dreary when it breaks the bonds that bind it

Leaving all its woes behind it and from tomb of its creation works its own self-liberation,

'til at last it soars on high now a grateful butterfly.


There is a lesson to be learned from this worm whose life has turned.

I can, too, work to be free, strive- and win- some liberty. All I need to do is change; daily habits rearrange.

Join once more the human race; humbly pray God for his grace; work with friends who are anon,

'til selfish thoughts are gone. Then, in truth, I shall be free and my prize SERENITY.

By Father Fredrick G. Lawrence S.T.
