My Homepage By Vibeke Clement Iversen

Work Information

Hot List

Biographical Information

  Personal Interests

Contact Information

About my work:

I´m a technical supporter at the Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg. I like my job. It gives me great pleasure that I´m able to help people with problems concerning their pc's and the different kinds of software they use. I learn something new everyday and that´s very usefull I think.

Key responsibilities:

User administration, software installation, hardware configuration and support in general.

Department or workgroup

HITS (Handelshøjskolens Informations Teknologi Servicecenter)

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Hot List

My dear husband´s homepage

CBS - Copenhagen Business School

My 2 sons Kristian and Jonathan

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Biographical Information

  October 25th 1966 Born into this world as a daughter of Søren Clement Jensen and his wife Karen Vinther.
  June 1985 I graduated from Høje Taastrup Amtsgymnasium. Music Major.
  June 1989 I graduated from The Royal Danish Librarian School.
  October 1989 - March 1990 Worked at a local TV station that brought morning television to the the citizens of Copenhagen.
  June 1990 - January 1996 Worked at Kanal 2 and was responsible for the archives.
  February 1997 3 months of leave from work to rethink my working position. I decided that I would not spend the rest of my life being an old librarian.
  January 1997 - August 1997 8 month of intensive studies at Parkegaard Partners, where I took the following courses: 

Lotus Notes Release 4: Application Development 1 

Word 7.0 for Windows 95/trin 1+2+3 

Excel 7.0/trin 1+2 

PowerPoint 7.0 

Using Netscape 3.0 + Netscape Communicator 4

Web Page Authoring 

Windows for Workgroup 3.11/Level 1 & 2 

Word Pro 96/trin 1+2+3 

Lotus 1-2-3 5.0 for Windows/Level 1+2+3 

Freelance Graphics 2.1 for Windows 

Windows 95 Basics

Introduction to Networking/Course 105 (Novell Education) 

NetWare 4 Administration/Course 520 (Novell Education) 

NetWare 4.1 to 4.11 Update Seminar/Course 527 (Novell Education) 

Administering Microsoft Windows NT 4.0/Course #803C (Microsoft)

Windows NT Technical Support Training version 4.0 (Microsoft)

  September 1997 Technical supporter at Hits.
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Personal Interests

My family - That´s my sons and my husband.

My computer

Rollerscating - I´ve recently taken up rollerscating and I really love it!

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Contact Information

My email address:

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Last Revised: Septemper 28th 2001