Scaglia's Genealogy

Versione italiana
Versione italiana

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Welcome to my new home page, which shows the results of my research on my ancestors. My family originates from Cisterna di Asti, Piemonte, Italy.
Performing searches at the Parish of Cisterna and Montà (Montatafangi) allowed me to confirm Giuseppe as an ancestor, but I didn't find any earlier documents that allowed me to go back to my earlier roots. You can see in the roots of my family tree all of Giuseppe's possible ancestors, up to the end of 1600.

I'm now researching the family of Vittorio, my Grandfather's brother, who emigrated to San Francisco, CA in 1891.

Genealogy Tree

Scaglias in Italy

Family Stories

Family Album


Coat of Arms


Genealogy Links


leaf3.gif (433 byte) The Scaglia family's genealogical tree
albero genealogico Here is my genealogical tree, which originated in Cisterna ...


leaf3b.gif (433 byte) History: The emigration
to United States.
Collection of data from National Archives and libraries.

leaf3b.gif (433 byte) Just for fun: The coat of arms
of Scaglia nobles

leaf3.gif (433 byte) Scaglias in Italy
The distribution of Scaglias by Italian Regions. Map drawn using Infospace data.


leaf3.gif (433 byte) Family Stories
Told by who collected them
over the years


leaf3.gif (433 byte) Family album
Old pictures collection

leaf3.gif (433 byte) Online Genealogy Tools

leaf3.gif (433 byte) Genealogy Links

Please: don't download any image directly from my pages. Some of them are copyrighted and cannot be used without the author permission.
Go to the author's pages and pick up the ones which are free for use on personal pages, and don't forget to give them the proper credit.

animation factory Vickimouse graphics Bimsan's web graphics

The pictures belong to my family and cannot be used for commercial purposes. They can be used on personal pages only, providing that they are not altered in any way and giving me the proper credit.

You are visitor
since 7/21/97

© 2004 Sergio Scaglia mail to me
last updated 02/11/02

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