TO ALL MY FRIENDS.Thank You for taking the time to find out about me. Please let me know you've been here by signing my book.Aleah

Ed malcom - 09/07/00 19:33:23
Date Visited: Sep 7th 2000

Aleah's Step-Brother - 09/06/00 02:06:20
Date Visited: Sept. 5, 2000
Hi Lorna, Just wanted to drop-in and see how things are going. I didn't know about this site ... you did a really nice thing here. I'm sure your love and dedication for Aleah will serve as an example in helping others. As I look back, I let other things get in the way of seeing Aleah as she really was ... this saddens me ... you didn't let the "outside issues" get in the way of giving to our sister ... God Bless You Al, Jr.

araceli madrigal - 07/30/00 17:09:37
My Email:aracelim2@www
Date Visited: 7-30-2000
Thank you for this site, we too have a special angel with CDLS, he was born only a month and 2 weeks ago, again thank you for this information it really helps. araceli madrigal

kayla - 04/16/00 00:27:56
My Email:Super9kayla
Date Visited: 4-9-00

Brigitte - 02/22/00 20:20:14
Date Visited: 22-02-2000
Hello, I'm from Holland and I'm working with childrenfrom 10 weeks old till they are 4 years old. Tomorrow a 3 months old baby boy with the cornelia de lange syndroom will come and joine our group. I'm glad to find some information and stories overhere. I hope we can give the little boy all he needs. Wish you all the bestfor the feature. We all must be fighters in one way or an other.

11/14/99 10:08:39
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

10/04/98 12:37:48
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

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