
 Shihtzu pups

Hello and welcome to my page.... My name is Kady and I am a little Shihtzu dog who is 6 months old and white and gold and brown....I weigh about 8 lbs. and am still growing.....I am very playful and love to get Mojo and attack him... We play a lot together as you can see by some of the pictures.... The other cat Garsha doesn't like me but I would love to get ahold of her.... Mitzi tolerated me but she is getting on in years and doesn't like to be bothered... I have to amuse myself a lot of times... I love my Mom and always sleep under the computer when she is on it...

Shih Tzu image

I am so cute!!!

Shih Tzu image

Wonder who is getting the worst of it??

Shih Tzu image

Hmmmmm could it be me??....

Shih Tzu image


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