Cat Kisses

Sandpaper kisses on a cheek or a chin-
that is the way for a day to begin!
Sandpaper kisses-
a cuddle and a purr.
I have an alarm clock that's covered in fur!


Hello all you cat lovers.
My name is Mojo and I am a boy kitty..
My parents got me when I was just a few weeks old ....
I am now 3 years old and getting kind of fat and lazy..

I used to jump and play with all the toys
but now all I want to do is sleep and try to sneak outside....
I would love to go outside and explore all the surroundings...
There is so much nice grass to eat and roll around in...
I also love to look at the birds,
but alas my parents chose to declaw
me so all I can do is look....

But believe me I sure can catch a fly pretty fast...
If one comes thru the door let me at em....
They don't stand a chance....

I also trained myself to use
the humans toilet for a litter box...
Don't ask me how I did it cause I don't know....
Guess I just like a clean place to do my duty.......
If you look below you can see a picture of me
that my parents took... I was very embarrassed.......

I love to get up in the ceiling in the cellar and just hide..
My parents get very upset though when I do that....
Bill really gets upset too....
He is my favorite master...
I love to sit on his lap and sleep on his chest..
Course he doesn't , he kicks me off......

Oh well, time to take a nap........ Hope you like my pictures...
I am sure my Mom will add more as soon as she gets them...

My pictures....

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