On this site: Family of Nilla's
Travels, Children, Pets, Loved Ones.

Nilla's Loved Ones

Not your average family

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Welcome to my page of family pictures and joys.
Hello I am Nilla better known as Gaby in the real world. I live in Virginia.

"Not your average family" is definately how I would describe all of us. One of our favorite holidays is Halloween, hence the witch photo above.

We are all a large blend of individuals, for I am a firm believer that we are blessed with our children for 18 years or more to help guide them to become the best that they can be. That's our job as parents, and how trying that can be at times. But I am forever thankful for them because they have opened my eyes to many wonders and pleasures from a child's view..which in itself is a miracle too.

So as you view my family and my other pages on my site, take time daily to appreciate the simple things in life..stop a moment to smell those flowers. Watch the bluejay swipe peanuts from the front porch. Notice the squirrels, slowly stealthing in the back yard to nibble on the corn hanging on the fence, or just listen to the wind blow, and be grateful for the daily "miracles" of life.

Being a firm believer in the saying "knowledge is Power", let me introduce you to my family. Moonshiner...is my husband Tom. We met in London England while both of us were stationed there in the Navy.
Tom hails from Kentucky and I hail from Chicago. Additionally we have two children.
Our oldest child is Tiffany, who chats by the name of Roonie. The younger child is our son Brian, who too chats and surfs the internet by various handles..
Last but not least are our two cats..Clyde and Muffin and our latest adoptee a 10 year old Cockatiel named Zak.

The latest edition is a four year old dauschhaund named Gretchen, and she keeps everyone company!
So come on in and rest awhile and have a nice day!

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This was the beginning when we were young.
Before our lovely children came about we were both stationed in London England.
After that tour,the Navy was kind enough to send us to Adak Alaska, "Birthplace of the Winds".

But as the years go on the children grow, and the parents get older.

The children suddenly go from young people to teenagers.
Brian is now 15 a freshman in highschool.

Tiffany is now 18 starting college.

That isn't even the half of it!
Before you know it it's "Mom, I need something to wear to the PROM".

Before you know it that child has a boyfriend and is ready to go to her senior "Prom".

Nice corsage huh?

Someone looks happy.

But wait, it just begins!

Before you know it the first born is ready for graduation!

Then we all celebrate!

Even the baby of the family "Muffin" celebrates!

Suddenly it's a year later....
Daughter survived first year of college and son survived first year of highschool,
the boyfriend from prom is now the fiance
....and your son...doesn't look 15!
Boy do things change!

Nilla's Travels

Alaska was the birthplace of our first child, Tiffany. Following that tour we moved to Virginia, traveling over the entire United States to reach our final destination. Virginia was our second childs, Brian, birthplace. Tiffany and Brian are our proud and joy. Since 1983 we have made Virginia our home.

Tiffany and Brian

But wait..someones missing!!...Here we go....
Let me introduce you to Clyde and Muffin

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"Please help to support the "Adopt A Guardian Angel" program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment! -Thank you for your support!"

Children are Worth Saving Web Site

Hope you had fun meeting my family...come back again and visit...and welcome to our family. Have a nice day.

Come back and visit!

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