God Bless America



Hi, I'm Jan.

This site on August 3, 2004
information on the following pages:

Here are some photos of our condo in Phoenix. It's fun to have a place in the city which enables us to take advantage of the theatre and sports events.
On Jan's Dolls Page:
Revlon Dolls - Three Little Miss Revlon outfits - Traveling Outfit, Coral gown, pedal pusher
Fashion Dolls - The last Penny Brite outfit - School Outfit!
Fashion Dolls - Jill's Harem Outfit

More Little Miss Revlon and Ginny outfits

We have sold our home in California and have moved to beautiful Sedona, Arizona.

Right now, we are renting a home and are in the process of designing and building our dream home. It's been a procedure, but we broke ground in mid-October, and have a move in date of mid-September.

My interests are eclectic and ever changing. My husband, family, and friends never know what to expect me to come up with next! In the not so distant past, I was totally committed to studying Russian and Russian History, even earned my Masters at Harvard. But alas, that interest was temporarily suspended. Most recently I was into ice skating and doll collecting (Fashion dolls of the 50's 60'sand 70's, and Vogue Ginny Dolls from 1957 and from the late 70's -- these later ones are sometimes not too kindly called Skinny Ginnys by other Ginny doll collectors.) I did mention eclectic, didn't I? Anyways, skating has to be postponed since there isn't an ice rink in Sedona. The closest one is in Flagstaff, about 40 minute drive. I have also slowed down on the doll collecting. All my dolls and accessories are packed in boxes! Once I am in our new home, I hope to again continue to collect. However, one interest has always remained, and that's globe trotting. We just got back from a cruise on the Renaissance Line in the Meditterranean. It was great!

I have a terrific husband, Steve,

who puts up with an ever changing wife.

We also have three marvelous cats.

I'm really too young to be "retired" but I am, sort of! Left full time employment in Marketing/Sales for high tech, took some time off to get that Russian degree while living in Massachusetts, and then moved to California. Having so much fun just "doing stuff" that I never did get back to work full time. I do consulting work for my husband's firm, ARTTEX.

Hope you enjoy my page. The Internet is a new interest, so hopefully, my page will continue to improve. Stop back some time and see those improvements. And, send an email if you have similar interests or just want to say "hi."

Graphic image of 
woman ice skater

Ice Skating

As a child, I loved to skate and very much wanted to take lessons and compete. Since that was not feasible then, I did it when I got to California. I had wanted to compete in the Adult Nationals in '98, being held here in California. Well, I tried and tried and tried and tried, but couldn't quite master the back spin, so I was unable to take the Bronze skating test, which is required to compete. So, I kept trying!

Hoorah!!!! I passed the skating test on May 13th, '98. It was a terrible performance but two of the three judges deemed it passable. Must have been my friend "Friday the 13th" watching from above that put the passing grade in the heads of the judges.

Unfortunately, I have not been skating. I've been off the ice for over two years now. (June '99 was the last time I skated.) Needless to say, I didn't make the Nationals this year. I haven't decided if I will get back to serious skating. I hope to go back to the rink soon and see how it feels!

Here are two great links which contain tons of information for both skating participants and fans. They may take a minute to load, but they are worth the wait! They both contain numerous links to organizations, amateur and professional skaters' web pages, and other fun skating sites.

Doll Collecting

Ideal Miss Revlon in factory made untagged wedding dress

Please click on Jan's Dolls to jump to the doll page.

Globe Trotting

I don't think I will ever get to this page! It takes so much time updating the doll collection page that I never have time or energy to attack this section of my web site! Recently returned from a cruise and then a visit to Lake Maggiore in Italy. Fell in love with the Maggiore area - I plan to put a picture or two on this page soon.


Meet my boys!

4th Anniversary
Friday -- 16 year old Maine Coon Cat

On Friday, August 1, 1997, my best buddy had to be put down. It was totally unexpected. While at a dental appointment to solve what initially appeared as an abcessed tooth, Friday was diagnosed with bone cancer of the mandible. Although it broke my heart, and upon the recommendation of his two veterinarians, I put him down while he was under anesthesia. He may be gone, but he will never be forgotten. Jump over to Friday's page to see my favorite pictures of my friend.

Picture of Boxer

Boxer -- adopted stray

We adopted Boxer several months before Friday died. He is a real sweetheart, and has helped me endure my Friday's loss. He deserves a page too! So jump over to see and learn more about our new buddy. Boxer's page

Picture of EbonyEbony -- adopted feral cat -- our new "daughter"

We succumbed to adopting another cat. While in a local pet store buying supplies we saw some homeless cats being put up for adoption. We both immediately fell in love with a little all black (almost - just a few white hairs) female named Ebony. We took her home on a two week trial - to be sure she would fit in with Boxer. Well, all went well so now we have two cats - Ebony is here to stay. She'll have a page of her own too, once I can get her to stay still long enough to get some pictures of her!

Picture of ChocolateChocolate -- our newest "son"

It's hard to believe, but we adopted a third cat. He was a really friendly stray that needed a home. I tried to find one for him, but since I was unsuccessful, he's now mine! Chocolate is a big, long-haired brown cat that looks a little like a Nowegian Forest Cat.


Oh, what unhappy twist of fate
Has brought you, homeless, to my gate
The gate where once another stood
To beg for shelter, warmth and food?
For from that day I ceased to be
The master of my destiny.
While he, with purr and velvet paw
Became, within my house, The Law.
He scratched the furniture and shed
And claimed the middle of my bed.
He ruled in arrogance and pride
And broke my heart the day he died.
So if you really think, oh cat,
I'd willingly relive all that
Because you come, forlorn and thin
Well--don't just stand there--come on in!

written by Francis Witham

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© 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Janice Vaghini Aranoff

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