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"It is with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye...." -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (from the book The Little Prince)

CLICK HERE to break out, if you are trapped in a frame.

Well, it's already a year (huh, time is so fast!) since we started surfing the web and saying ahhh... ohhh... to those impressive, informative and entertaining homepages / web sites we have seen in the Internet, at last, we have made our very own homepage. Now, we can humbly share to other web surfers our works, interests, and experiences.

Learning to make this web page is fun and exciting and educational, too, especially all those HTML tags (some Java Script, too) and cool 3D graphics and animation. As a gesture of our thanks, we have included some links to the sites where we got those HTML references and graphics/animations.

For our Kababayan (Filipino countrymen), we made a special feature Pinoy Korner for which the Pinoy Jokes and Pilipino Song Lyrics are now located. Btw, you can also visit Romy's sister, Alice Rose homepage where she share her first time experiences in America (written in Tagalog). The title is "Home Sick Home (Isang Paglalahad)" .
(Hey sis, it's a free ads to your homepage, ha!!! Ang lagay eh...)

  The latest additional to our features is a background music in MIDI sequence which you can hear in some of our web pages. The link can be found also in Song Lyrics Index.

For the latest news around the world, you can check our News Bulletin (courtesy of Crayon.net).

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Special Acknowledgment:    We would like to thank Nathan Wenneken for his valuable effort and time in helping us to make our homepage more presentable. You can visit his own homepage, Nathan's Homepage, for more information about his interest.

Written by Romy M. Angeles with the guidance of love and care from Lisa L. Namoco.  
Previous update: Wednesday, 14 August 1998, Singapore
Current update: Saturday, 17 October 1998, Philippines
Copyright © 1997-1998 Romeo M. Angeles. All Rights Reserved.

(Except those graphics/animations and other selections taken from different sources with the knowledge and permission from the owners.)