The Red Dynasty
(the House of Alia)

     Derry Downs Darker Shadows__________________________________________________________________________Cannoncats Jazz Man _____________________________Cloudcroft Blue Moon
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                                          |                                                                 |                                             |
     _____________________________________|______________________________________________________           |____________________                      ___|________
    |         |         |                          |                                 |           |          |          |         |                    |            |    
  Alayna  Amertine____Fan-C That  Agrippa Jeunne____Casa Dolce Iceman  Lady Alia____Ambitorm    Hedley  ____"Corrin"    Q!  Quintinius Violet____ Clowntown Count Basie
                             |                             |                               |                                           |                                    |
                            _|__________                   |                               |                                           |                           _________|_________
                           |            |                  |                               |                                           |                          |                   |
Derry Downs A Claire____Corrin XXV   Clairby           ____"Alia"               Bekah_______________"Jazz Man"              Zia                  Baron Cyrus Kenric      
                      |                                           |                                    |                                (see ORIENTAL LONGHAIRS) <----------------'
     _________________|________           ________________________|__                               ___|___________                     / 
    |              |           |         |                           |                             |               |                   /
   Paul Muad'Dib   Pavel     Kalifi____Tysheen Jeremy    Kipuna____________"Basie"_____Elissa        _____Wolfs Murbella _____JP's Flying Colors _____"Arwen"
                                              |                               |               |                           |                   |                       |
                                              |                               |           ____|______________             |                   |                       |_____________________________________________  
                                              |                               |          |          |        |            |                   |                                     |          |         |          |   
                                           Jessica     "Quint"______________Usul      Lucilla   Loschy         |     Black Iron Esmeralda____Clowntown's Anubis            
                                                                    |                                        |            |                          |
                                                                ____|____                                    |            |                          |
                                                               |         |                                   |            |                          |  
                                                                           "Xanth"_________Tormsa                   Wensicia____Clowntown's Bedroom Eyes ____"Cimon"
                                                                                                      |      |       |                             _______|_______                      |________________________________
                                                                                                      |      |       |                            |               |                     |                   |            |
                                                                                                    Harah    |     Noree                         Josifa Corrino____"Leuie"____Vatia Chalice      Vatia Rugi    
                                                                                                             |       |                                                    |      (1)| |(2)
                                                                                                             |       |                                                    |         | |
                                                                                                             V       V                                                    |         | |
                                                                                                        (see ORIENTAL LONGHAIRS)<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Yajna   Elani Duke Teren Corrino
Other winning descendants of Alia:
  GP Black Iron Aladdin (grandson of CH Rakiscats Alayna)
  GP Black Iron Illusion (grandson of GC Rakiscats Elrood IX)

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