Welcome. I don't have much midi out now. I hope to have some shortly. I search the web until I have a whole disk full of midi music. Then I post it, so if you have been here 3 times already looking for midi music, I'm sorry. I hope to get more quicker than I can now, but midi music is hard to find on the web, especialy when you are looking for certain songs. I found more country midi music. YESSSS! Finally. Here they are.

Country midi music selections:

Six Day on the Road
Boot Scootin' Boogie
Till the Sun Comes up
Any Man of Mine
You Win My Love

If you need another type of midi music, like pop midi or theme midi, use the link below. There are more Pop midi out than there are Country or theme so, I would use the Pop, but there still is a great selection of Theme midi. Home

TV and Movie Themes
Pop Midi Music