Ken - known by all his friends and aquaintences as an Über computer geek.

I wear the label proudly. However - my wife would say I spend far too much time in front of the computer. (And, yes, I do :-( thus the dark lines around my eyes)

Interests include:

Art (Pen & Ink - Watercolour - Pencil - Airbrush)
Model Building (Trains - Science Fiction Space Craft)
Computer Graphics
Music (Soft/Hard rock - Classical - Jazz - Big Band)
(The name Plumbob is a nickname first aquired by my father - then for some reason, aquired by me, a plumbob,
by the way, is a weight on a string, it is used primarily by carpenters or masons when erecting walls, to make sure
that they are streight or "PLUMB" - though it has other uses as well)
My more common nickname is "Bullwinkle" - 1. because I enjoyed the Rocky and Bullwinkle series and - 2.
because when I blow my nose it sounds like a bull moose making noise.


Picture To Come
Penny - My wife and the one who does her best to make sure that I get enough sleep
in a week. (She gets frustrated with me, and rightly so ;-))

She enjoys a wide variety of music - C & W (Garth Brooks, Mostly) - Classical

Soft Rock - Gospel

Crafts - model trains - computers