Laurel's Lane

This site selected on 9/20/97 as a

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There are several things to see on this main page but here I supply you with the
Laurel's Lane Index
Photos of Ian & Family Ponderings Online Friends & Family Photos Laurel's Heavenly Lane
Absurdities !!! Laurel's Lines, Graphics & Backgrounds Laurel's Golden Star Award Winners My Thoughts on Children

This is my son's school project website in which he is required to have a running theme. His theme is BASKETBALL: Frank's Homepage "24hr. Weight Loss System" Check on your favorite Baseball or Basketball Team!
Sports 2000
Games Recipe of the Day

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My Struggle & My Victory!
Laurel's Links In Fondest Memory My Webrings My Awards
See if I'm Selling Anything On Ebay Right Now! Laurel's Auctions I sell AVON products in order to help ends meet. YOU can browse my bi-monthly catalogs by registering on the site (with no obligation) and entering the passcode "greatvalue". Laurel's AVON Lane More to Come More to Come


Hello! For those of you who don't know me my name is Laurel. I live in NYC in Queens County with my DH (Dear Husband) Andrew and our three sons, Mike-24yrs. old, Frank-21yrs. old, and Ian-6yrs. old. That's right...we have one college graduate (degree in political science, one in college (physical ed. major) and one in 1st grade! Ian was a surprise later in life gift and we all treasure him as he lights up our lives daily. Mike works as a sceduler and legislatative worker for a NY State Senator. Frank is a server at Applebees, goes to school full time AND has a paying teaching job at a local grade school. Although we are a family of diverse interests we are still a close family none-the-less and enjoy doing many things together such as going to church at New Life Fellowship, watching movies and some TV shows together. One of the most enjoyable things we enjoy doing together is going to Maine every year for our summer vacation. We have built 21 years of family memories there and Ian has come to love and enjoy the beauty of Maine just as we have. Andrew is a supervisor on a railroad working in Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan and he serves as an elder at our church. I am a stay at home mom who juggles all the balls and makes sure all the electricity is juiced up to keep this family running! I also do service at Ian's school teaching library with other parents and work with my pastor as an administrator at The Center for Emotional & Spiritual Health. Oh, and I sell Avon! Please check out my Avon store in the index table. As you can see there are a lot of things to explore on this site so sit back and enjoy yourself. Please sign the guestbook before you leave and let me know what you think, or just introduce yourself. I'm always happy to make new aquaintances!


This is our most recent family picture, though it is a year old! We are dressed up because we are at a family wedding. From left to right we are: Frank, Laurel(aka Mom), Andrew(aka Dad)holding Ian, and Mike


Click here for my thoughts on Children :)


Truths to Ponder
Last 9/6/04

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." ---Hellen Keller

"When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened." ---Winston Churchill

"Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with." ---Mark Twain

"I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about." ---Henry Ford

For more quotes click here:



Last 9/6/04

Borrow money from pessimists-they don't expect it back.

How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?

When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded.

Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.

For MORE funnies click here: Absurdities !!!



Some of My Beliefs

I believe in my Husband.

I believe in my Sons.

I believe that most folks are capable of doing & being much more than they think they can.

I believe I reap what I sow.....what goes around comes around...etc.

I believe in passing along life's blessings. (example: teach someone what someone else has taught you.)

I believe in America. In her ability to heal and her ability to defeat her enemies.

I believe that if God gave Adam & Eve freewill in the Garden of Eden...then who am I to try and twist your arm? But, if you invite me to share what God has done for me I'll be there with bells on!

I believe in the love of God...and our capacity to love each other.

I believe in God-Father, Son & Holy Spirit. And I believe in the miracles they bring!


Links to my Friends sites & other suggested sites: - For your surfing pleasure!


Come surf or join a webring or two!!!
Rings included are: The Friendly People Ring, The Ain't Life Grand Ring and Cool Netsites Ring & More!
I have met some fabulous people on-line! Just click on the camera to see some of their photos.


A memorial page dedicated to honoring loved ones whom we miss since their passing. You may enter your loved one on this page so they too can be honored.

10/30/97 -- Be sure and drop in to see the list of Laurel's Golden Stars Award winners! Only the best make it so you will want to be sure and check out their sites! You too can submit your homepage for consideration for this award! (Sorry...but I am temporarily unable to accept applications for a while.)

Laurel's Lane Awards Page displays awards I have been honored to receive.


Don't forget to sign one of my guestbooks so I'll never forget that you came!


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