Mary Beth's Bulletin Board

Now that we have a scanner - thought I better have a place to stick new pics.

Latest project stuck to the wall - small wall hangings.


 What sorts of strange things do you have in your sewing room? I have this piece of a Miss Piggy Statue..... come on - fess up!
 My mom, Betty Frezon and her quilt, which was entered as a patriotic theme quilt at the 1997 NYQuilts! show. Lots of hand quilting and teeny tiny Uncle Sams, in honor of Troy - his home.

 Here's the pin, my Australian friend Caity made for me - what a nice surprise to get in the mail! She makes great dolls! Everyone who sees it wonders how did she know I have a braid and glasses?

 Just a spare crown I found lying about.

   You may have heard something about my Hawaiian Shirt Quilt..... Click on the picture to see a few shots of the whole thing.

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