In North Texas this is happening on






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The purpose of this web site is to present complete information from our large genealogy database. At this time, Mary's lines are the only ones here, but she's the family historian and seems to have maintained her own family much more thoroughly than I have mine. I plan to get into my own genealogy after retirement if not before. However, Mary's being bribed to work on the Marshalls for me, so maybe we'll have my line up before I retire in 2005.

I can tell you my Marshalls were originally from the Scotish clans through Northern Ireland and came to the United States with William Penn's Quaker movement. Originally spelled "Marshill" and recorded that way until way into the 1800s, my family can be found in Quaker records, mostly in North Carolina.

Surnames associated with this Marshill/Marshall line are Bills, Hobson, Davis, Vestal, Elliott, Fleming, Whitlock, LaFrenz, et. al. If this strikes a chord with you, please contact us by e-mail and we'll be happy to provide you with what information we have.

The data we bring you on this page right now was gathered through lots of sweating in county courthouses thousands of miles from home and tree-climbing in distant fields trying to locate old cemeteries.

The database.

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

Toolbox Button Cyndi's Genealogy Home Page Construction Kit

Having already fallen victim to an unethical person, we add a word about our databases. We share this with you in hopes it will aid your personal research and we encourage you to copy anything that you need. We hope you're a cousin and invite you to contact us if we can aid you in finding resources to document the work. WE DO NOT share this for your personal monetary gain or for commercial publication without our written and specific permission.. We've spent a lot of time and money gathering this data and it would not be fair for you to steal our work for your economical benefit. We're sure you wouldn't do this anyway, but just don't want any misunderstandings

Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 S.W. Marshall
All rights reserved

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Background set was made by me. The lovely young lady is Mary Evelyn Schwartz, my wife's namesake grandmother who died when her father, an only child, was 14 months old.

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