Getting to Know You

Hello! This page is to introduce people involved in adoption to each other. As often as we can we will put an adoption story and photos on this page. As each new story comes along we will make links to previous stories. We hope that everyone will share their stories and web sites with us. We hope that this page will help each part of the triad gain understanding of each other and help us all to find new friends and enjoy the dear friends we already have. We hope that this page will help ease the pain of separation, reassure those who have adopted children and share the joy of reunion.

These are links to some of our friends' adoption pages. We hope you enjoy them.

Story Of A Reunited Birthmom
Sherrie's Adoption Story
Sherrie's Family Album

One Birthmom's Story
Barb's Adoption Story
Barb's Reunion Story

Mary's Adoption Story

Kath's Adoption Story

Story Of A Devoted Adoptive Mother
Terrie's Adoption Story

Phyllis's Adoption Story

Sandy's Adoption Story

Valerie's Adoption Story

David's Birth Family Album


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Four Birthmom's In Ohio
Barb Schuler, Phyl Singer, Sherrie Coryell & Sue Barris

This sight was built by Phyl(Birthmom/Adoptive Mom)And Sherrie(Birthmom), Both From Ashtabula County In Ohio. Also Barb from Cincinnati, Ohio. All very much active in Adoption Projects.


Love One Another

The Adoption Channel