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Spot and Benji's

Cyber-Pet Collection

Piggy-Wiggy II

A long time ago, when Joy was still a little baby and Elise wasn't born yet, our family used to have a guinea pig named Piggy-Wiggy. But one cold, rainy day Piggy-Wiggy died. So in honor of dear departed Piggy-Wiggy, we have named our cyber guinea pig "Piggy-Wiggy The Second."

Here is Piggy-Wiggy II enjoying some lettuce and carrots. Piggy-Wiggy II also likes to eat oats. He squeaks happily when it's feeding time!

Look! Piggy-Wiggy has some new friends! Meet Kelly and Raincloud!

Oats Piggy-Wiggy II and friends

Would you like to have a guinea pig for your own computer? You can get one at Kelly's Guinea Pig Adoption Agency You can chose from several colors, and you can get some food for your cyber guinea pig.

Kelly has links to other pages where you can get several different kinds of cyber pets. While you're visiting Kelly's page, you can also check out the many other pages that Kelly's family has put together.

Chatty II

We used to have a calico cat named Chatty but she disappeared and never came back. We do not know if some kind, caring family has taken her in, or if she has gone to Kitty Heaven.

In honor of our lost Chatty, we have named our Cyber-Kitty "Chatty II."

Chatty the Second Lady Shel's Cyber-Kitty Necessities

We got our Cyber-Kitty from Lady Shel in May 1997. Right now she is not giving away Cyber-Kitties, but check with her later, and she may have them - plus some new ones - available for adoption.

Lady Shel still has food, toys, and supplies for your Cyber-Kitty if you have already adopted one and need more supplies.

Puffy the Cloud

This is Puffy, our Pet cloud. During the day she enjoys the company of her friend, the Sun. Sometimes they get visitors in the sky, like Zoomer the airplane.

Puffy During the Day

This is Puffy's Birth Certificate.

Birth Certificate

We got Puffy from Adopt-A-Cloud. Visit them and adopt your own cloud. There are several clouds to chose from. You can get either a boy or a girl cloud.

Sox the Senoch

"What is a Senoch?" you ask. We thought we knew a lot about animals, but we never heard of a Senoch until we followed a link from Kelly's Guinea Pig Adoption Agency. You can find out all about the Senoch, and adopt one of your own at The Senoch Adoption Agency.

Here is our pet Senoch, Sox. He has a friend named Blue. They like to romp around in the flowers together.

Sox and Blue

Blue, the butterfly, came from the Dog Hause

Welcome to

The Senoch Circle!

This senoch-friendly site
is owned by Spot and Benji’s Senoch!
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Want to find out more?

The Mystical Unicorns

We adopted these three beautiful unicorns at The Mystical Unicorn. (Sorry, the link doesn't work anymore. The site has either moved or closed.)

White Unicorn of LuckWhite Unicorn of HopePurple Unicorn of Peace

We named our pink and white unicorn "Rosebud." She brings Good Luck.

We call the lavender and white unicorn "Amethyst." She is full of Hope

The purple unicorn's name is "Tranquility." He brings Peace.

Pet Rocks and Friends

Here are Mr. and Mrs. Rock. They are newlyweds. Don't they look happy together?

Pet RockPet Rock's Wife

Our Pet Rocks have a friend, Hector, the Bug.

Here are more of their friends:

Worm and Apple Tomato Butterflies and Flower Pet Sea Monkey Pet Sea Monkey Pet Bird

If you would like to adopt some pet rocks or their friends, please visit Sheri. She has lots of other animated graphics, backgrounds, and links, too.

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The song playing is "Only You"