Fiction Section

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  • NOW AIRING: Episode 1 of Catfielder Fortunes. It was posted Saturday, Nov. 20, and will remain posted indefinitely.
  • NOW AIRING: Episode 2 of Catfielder Fortunes. It was posted Saturday, Dec. 11, and will remain posted indefinitely.
  • Installment 1 of Catfield DSA (stands for "Documents, Scrawls and Artifacts") posts soon, and will remain posted indefinitely.
  • Installment 2 of Catfield DSA posts within a week or two after the posting of Installment 1, and will remain here indefinitely.

    The Catfield Pages is the home on the Web of Catfielder Fortunes™ and Catfield DSA™  -- complementing clicktional entertainment series that bring to life the clicktitious town of Catfield, Idaho, USA.


Nov. 21, 1999

Dear Catfield Voyeurs:

Finally! We've posted the first episode of Catfielder Fortunes. (See links at top of schedule in aqua field to left). This episode, originally posted online in September of 1997, has been "re-released" (hah!) by the author for the benefit of those who missed it the first time around. Additional items listed on the schedule at left are also re-releases, but new material will be forthcoming soon. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy Catfielder Fortunes and Catfield DSA, currently the world's only windows situated to offer a view of Catfield, Idaho.

See you back here by and by. We'll be sure to have a nice pot of tea brewing and an extra log thrown on the fire!

Author Rob Ruth and the Producers

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