Pounce's Advice

Hi welcome to my advice page. Shh.... don't tell Chewie. Since he does the page, I wanted my own too. There are two really good books about ferrets out there.

The first one is The Ferret-the guide to a Happy Healthy Pet by Mary R Shefferman. she is one of the co-editors of Modern Ferret. It's a great book covering lots of different subjects. It tell you in lanuague that is easy to understand. It's around $13. you should be able to get it a your bookstore or big pet stores or order it from them. The ISBN is 0-87605-498-X

The other book is Ferrets in your home by Dr. Wendy Winstead. It's a good book for beginners. Lots of good pics and advice. It's around $25 and should be in your bookstore if not It's ISBN is 0-86622-988-4.

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