We Proudly Present Claire Maree



This is Ruth helping prepare for Claire’s arrival.  Mommy’s friends from Bible Study threw her a diaper shower, and Claire’s sisters helped unload the diapers and wipes from the van.  Unfortunately, they had a little trouble getting them past the door to the nursery, and Mommy ended up with a big pile that had to be reorganized.  Well, at least they helped get them this far!





Claire Maree Berger was born October 24, 2006.  She weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. and was 19 inches long.  You might not be able to tell very clearly from the picture, but she has red hair (go figure)!  Daddy now has the distinct honor of living with 5 red-headed women!  Isn’t he lucky?!








Cousins Briana and Jacob were among Claire’s first visitors.  Unfortunately, they had to wait until the day after she was born before they could hold Claire.  That meant Briana had to wait until after school!  It was a tough wait, I’m sure, but it was worth it.  Aren’t they sweet?




Claire’s first holiday was Halloween, and like her big sister Emily, she got to be Winnie the Pooh.

The difference was she was already 7 days old, while Emily had only been 2!


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