The Peek-a-boo Gallery!

(Emily's Archive)


My first digital photo. This picture was taken in July of 1997 at my buddy Linda Miller's house! This was also my first dip in a real backyard pool! And Mommy & Daddy didn't even bring me a swimsuit! Can you believe it? 


Aunt Jeni and I are two of a kind. We share the same birthday and the same good nature (most of the time). I love her very much. 


Here I am doing some of my first walking. My Pooh walker made this cool noise when I first got it, kind of like a lawn mower. But then Daddy did something to it, and now it's very quiet. Oh well, it still works great! 


During the Summer of 1997, I got to go to my first Shriner's Circus! I liked the elephants and the cotton candy the best! I'm still not too sure about the clowns, though. 


I can't believe I used to have such trouble stacking these rings. They're very easy, now. However, I do remember a fondness for chewing on them back then! 


Here's a former "Welcome to MY Page" photo of me waving hello, and a past favorite of Daddy's from when he caught me under the dining room table one day! 


Here's a family portrait from October of 1997. A whole year old, and still I had practically no hair. How embarassing! 


Isn't this the best Christmas tree ever? (Mommy & Daddy claim I'll be saying that every year.) I just couldn't resist touching the pretty ornaments. With all the no-no's, I'm surprised Santa brought me anything in 1997. 


Reading is fun, especially in some place cozy like under the table with Mommy! Of course, we don't fit under there very well anymore. Pitty. 


Look! Some of my most favorite toys! I've finally learned that my puppy is "supposed" to be pulled by his string. And I've taken many rides on my trusty steed. 


These are Easter pictures from 1998. My favorite is the one with the ABC blocks. For some reason they didn't want me to play with those, though. Hmmm...  


I like helping Daddy water the plants in the yard. He needs to get cracking on planting more stuff in College Station, though! 


Here I am swinging with Granny & Grandpa for Granny's 50th birthday. They decided to have her party in Bee Creek Park, where they have the coolest swings! Wasn't that nice of them? 

Look out. Here comes trouble, as usual! But I'm too cute to be bad, aren't I? ...Grandpa is tough on the outside, but he's a softy when it comes to his little girls. And I'm sure glad to be one of those girls! 


These are some of the last pictures taken at our house in Corpus Christi. Unfortunately, now that I'm a little older, Daddy thinks this handy "block-holding" colander needs to stay in the cabinet. But, he still lets me zoom around the house on my minivan from Uncle Rodney and Aunt Kim! 


Just wait. One of these days I'll be running this web site, and then we'll see what this computer can REALLY do! Until then, I hope you're enjoying Daddy's creative "attempts." 

Bye for now!

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