Karen's Home Page

Welcome to Karen's Home Page

Come on in!

Welcome to my page. I am happy you are here.
Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a teacher by day, I teach earth science, and biology in a high school. I am also licensed veterinary technician by night (well, some nights).

I got married on October 20,1996, to a wonderful man named Michael. He is a teacher too, his subject area is English. We went on our honeymoon to Hawaii, what a spectacular place! I can't wait to go back again! The Waterfall park, and National Volcano park were just breathtaking.

My Pets
I have one cat named Molly. My other cat is Maggie.

Want to know more about my hobby, I collect Calico Kittens
Here are my awards and things

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Links to other sites on the Web

The Weather Channel
The Internet Shopping Network
Mike's Home Page
EBay Auctions

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This page was last updated on June 13,1999.

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