Genealogy and More!

Welcome to my homepage! I hope you will enjoy yourself while surfing through my pages. You will find a page for my hobby of genealogy, one that includes some of my favorite places to go on the web, and one that contains all sorts of entertainment links for such things as t.v. shows and musical artists. I also have a page for you cooks out there that includes recipes, tips, and links to other cooking sites. I would like to include a special Holiday page when time permits. I will constantly be updating my page so come back often!

One of the main things I enjoy doing is genealogy. In this section you will find information about the surnames I am researching, and links to helpful genealogy sites. If you find that we are researching the same names, please get in touch with me!

Do you enjoy surfing the web? That's one of my favorite things to do while on the Net. Here are some really good links to try.

When I'm not doing genealogy or surfing the web, I like to check out these entertainment pages. Here's a few of my favorites.

This section pertains to cooking, which I do a lot of! Here are few of the recipes my family likes the most. If you have any recipes you'd like me to put up here, just send them to me in email and I'll look at them.

My Awards!!

Thanks Sherry at Sherry's Dreams & Things!!

Thank you Heartland Review Team!

Thank you to Scrapette at Relatively Speaking!


Here is where I got some of my graphics for this page:

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I would like to give credit to THE IRONIC ONE for her help in putting my website together! Thanks!

This site was last updated on May 9, 1998.

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