Dad was waiting for us in Okinawa when Matthew came along!

Matthew Joel DeToy


  Robert J. DeToy is not a name that will go down in the annals of history......but only because the owner of that name chose not to. I believe that. My father always could do anything. To this day I recall as clear as a memory can be clear, my father making the "baby bounce" as his children gaped and awed. The man had massive biceps, as now I do........ in my children's eyes. My father lives in me. Half of the things I do, the jokes I tell, the projects I build... were...are... and will be inspired by him. My boys already emulate me in many ways (not always a positive character trait). In so doing, they are emulating Robert J. DeToy. My children will carry a very large piece of their paternal grandfather with them thru life and I am just one of seven. Think of the impact this man has had and will continue to have on this planet.                   
He could have done anything, gone anywhere, been anyone. He chose to raise children with a beautiful wife. He raised six wonderful amongst yourselves.

Matthew J. DeToy

Matthew and Anita's wedding.

Matthew and Anita
Matthew and his plane

Adam, Matthew, and Hunter.

Lois Arlene De Toy