The Maloney Family of Allegany, New York

*1. William Joseph Maloney was b. in Ireland. He married Ellen Liston and they had the following (known) child:

*2. William J. Maloney b. 1831 at Limerick, m. Catherine Howard of Tipperary, d/o Patrick and Catherine Dougherty Howard, in 1940. He d. 1 Aug 1899.

*William J. Maloney was a sawyer from Limerick, Ireland. He and his wife Catherine Howard of Tipperary, Ireland, came to Allegany in 1852. He went to West Virginia in 1867 and returned to Allegany in 1873. William and Catherine had seven children.

3.A. John F. Maloney m. Mayme Solle.

3.B. Catherine E. Maloney became a nun.

3.C. Margaret A., Maloney m. Daniel P. Leary.

3.D William F. Maloney m. Pearl Locke

3.E. Edward G. Maloney b. 16 Oct 1876 m. Catherine Lucy Ryan. Edward d. 11 May 1959.

3.F. Father Patrick H. Maloney became a priest.

*3.G. James T. Maloney b. ca. 1878 m. Marian Bartley. James and Marian d. in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and are buried at Calvery Cemetery, there.

*James T. Maloney and Marian Bartley had the following children:

4.A. William Maloney d. Dec 1997 buried at Calvery Cemetery, Tulsa, Oklahoma. He m. Virginia. Virginia is living.

4.B. James T. Maloney, m. Marjorie. Both are still living.

4.C. Helen "Sister Marion" Maloney d. 1993 at St. Josephs Convent, Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Buried at Calvery Cemetery. She was a nun for more than 65 years, and a teacher at Monti Cassino School for Girls in Tulsa, and an avid gardner and keeper of the greenhouse at the Convent.

4.D. Marian Maloney, m. Tom Maxwell. She is living, he died in 1997.

4.E.Maurice Maloney, m. Effie. Both are dead.

*4.F. Raymond Edward Maloney b. 1920 and d. Feb 1990 in Tulsa and is buried at Calvery Cemetery. He m. Katherine Thornburgh. She is still living.

4.G. Father Timothy Maloney, still living retired living at St. Gregory's College in Oklahoma.

*Raymond E. Maloney m. Katherine Thornburgh and they had two children:

5.A. Michael Joseph Maloney b. 7 Jul 1945, Oklahoma City, Ok., m. 2. Ann Adair Adams Connors on 1 Oct 1982 at Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Mike has one son by his first wife, Linda. All are still living.

5.B. David Maloney b. 12 Jun 1955 and m. once. Has two children.

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