"Following is a list of every person that ever united with the Church since its beginning. There will be errors, I am certain, due to handwriting, spelling in the minutes and the case of women who have probably married and I do not know their names. I used the roll call of 1832, 1851, 1879, 1891, 1903, 1918, 1922 and minutes.
"History tells us there were 20 Charter Members, but I have only the names of 11--probably some of the others were the minister and wife, and children. As stated in the history, the records of 1816 to 1832 were burned in a fire at the Asa Frakes store."
[The member is listed under the year he/she joined the church.]
Charter Members
Names are not alphabetized to keep family groups together. This appears to be a merged list of the 1832 and 1851 roll call. My additions are in (parenthesis).
**** End of 1st roll call in 1851 ****
Joseph Liston Samuel Chambers Marguerite Thomas
Nancy Liston Christiana Chambers Thomas Pounds
Abijah Thomas Polly Chambers Sarah Pounds
Nancy Thomas William Thomas
Elder Asa Frakes Richard Rulton Elder F. More
Daniel Frakes Charles Powers Mrs. More
John Frakes Riley Piety Robert Shoemaker
Philip Frakes Jessie Johnson Eleazer Hunt
Phoebe (Case) Frakes William Thomas Bethuel Dix
Dorcas Frakes Amanda Thomas Willis Bailey
Phebe (Frakes) Watson Mary E. Frakes Theodore Patton
Rebecca (Dickerson) Frakes Nancy Frakes William Simmons
Eliza Thomas Mary Smith Milton Hunt
Benjamin Kerchivell Daniel Johnson John Turner
William Kerchivell Henry Johnson James Harris
Nancy Kerchivell Robert Johnson Stephen Bridwell
Lorinda Piety Stephen Powers Emery Lloyd
Henry Shoemaker James Johnson James Thompson
Anna LaForge Abram Wieman Beulah Thompson
Elizabeth LaForge Jane Thomas Daniel Knowls
Sarah Elliott Elizabeth Thurston Sarah Clouse
John Mundell Lavina Wilson Emezettee Elam Lloyd
Elizabeth Mundell Rhoda Ann Dicks (Dix) Maria Smith
Seaberry Sutton Jesse Dicks (Dix) Julia Grafs
Nancy Johnson Robert Johnson Sebina Grafs
Catherine Harper Elizabeth Johnson Surilda Dix
Nancy Frakes Malvina Watson Samiria Johnson
Willie Watson Benjamin Harris Elizabeth Wilkins
George Liston America Harris Martha Lovelace
Elizabeth Liston Johnson Mahala Jane Harris Mary Myers
Daniel Johnson Elizabeth Powers Rhonda Paddock
Isabel Johnson Stacy Ann Powers July Ann More
Stephen Johnson Mary Frakes Sarah Frakes
Rhoda Johnson Sarah Dicks (Dix) Elder A.J. Riley
Barnabas Johnson Elenor Dicks (Dix) Nancy Riley
Anna Johnson Martha Jane Hunt S. Hayes
David Canaday Alexander Thomas Evalyn Earnest
Rebeccah Canaday ???? Thomas William Yeager
James Stark Nancy Thomas Ruth Lloyd Frakes
Dorinday Stark Lucinda Frakes Sarah Brown
Wm. S. Bentley Rebecca Ann Paddock Mary Starlin
Perina Bentley Sinthey Koswell Margaret Elliott
Juliann Ring Seth Dicks Nancy Elliott
Jonothan Rassel Elizabeth Trueblood Martha Braue
Eliza Jane Russell Andrew Trueblood Margaret Shaver
Franklin Hamilton John Power John Lloyd
Matilda J. Hamilton Minon Wilfon Huldah Bailey
Nancy Kirkham Malinda (Frakes) Wilfon Wealthy Crof Bailey
Lavina Powers William Earnest Andrew Trueblood
George Starkey Mary Earnest Emily Bailey Wilson
Elizabeth Starkey William Frakes Sarah Bailey
Sarah Starkey Lucinda Frakes Wesley Johnson
Margaret Starkey Aisley Drake Idra Carr
Perry Keley Perry Kelly Jane Tilletson
Martha Jane Blaycock William Wiman Scott Carr
Irene Thomas Jane Kirkham Catherine Johnson Fenton
John Thomas Elizabeth Piety Eunice Thompson Kester Trueblood
John Price Michel Simons Susan Fisk
Henry Wyman Etna Simons George Turner
Jane Wyman Mary Weir Vina Harris
Malissa Johnson Eliza Thomson John Harris
James French Clarissa Tomson James Dix
Malissa French Malinda Bennett Sarah King
Calvin Thomas Sarah Devol Candance Earnest
Sarah Louiza Thomas Biram Tichenor Rebecca Dicks Paddock
Malchere Miller Eunice Tichenor Lindah Johnson
William Johnson Telsey Tichenor Martha Johnson Reid
Barbara Rolfe James B. Turner Martha Thompson
Katherine Frakes Mary Ann (Frakes) Turner Huldah Sullens
Nancy Raney Phillip Turner Joseph Shoemaker
Preston Armstrong Elizah Jane Simmons James Harvey Hunt
Sarah Armstrong Sarah Hunt Mary Frakes
Delancy Lovelace Ansalm Milligan Nathan Harmon
Polly (Clark) Lovelace Elizabeth Patton Eben Turner
Bennie Holenshead Richard Patton Sarah Harris
Susan Murphy Allen Shoemaker Mary Hunt
Ann Starkey Anna Hunt Zerilda Lloyd
Jane Reed B.T. Hamilton Jobe Dix
John Scott Lydia Hamilton Andrew Fisk
Margaret Armstrong William Zink Sarah Harris
Relina Smith Daniel W. Johnson Aron Shiver
Joseph Kester Joseph Thomas Nancy Graft
Nancy Kester Sarah Jane Turner Huldah Dix
Sarah Paddock James Earnest Joseph Bailey
Laura Hamilton Mary Ann Eckels Sarah Frakes
Hannah LaForge James Gardner Martha Lloyd
Polly Thomas Malissa Jane Hunt Luella Riley
Emmet Pogue Mary Suthard Anabel Riley
Deleny Bosworth Nancy Ann Turner Mary Ealem
Cloah (Chloe Turner) Frakes Jane Drake Sarah Trueblood
Sarah Hale Esther (Hunt) Shumaker Memaras Trueblood
Isaac LaForge Margaret Powers John Paddock
Edward Sparks Phebe Toby Sarah Patton
Mariah Sparks George Eckels Daniel Patton
Artamirey Owens James Johnson John Patton
Mary Piety Mary Ann Johnson Robert Shumaker
Jane Tucker Martha Jane Johnson Z. Riley
Mary Carr Martha Fisk Elizabeth Riley
Nancy McRainey George Bennet Sarah Cate Riley
Rachel Wright Thomas Montgomery John Riley
Sarah M. Weimer Prudence Montgomery James M. Hunt
Margaret Carpenter Mary Ellen Johnson Jackson Stevenson
Ann Taylor Edward Ransford Raman Bune
Frances Devol Matilda Thomas William Elliott
Sarah Thomas Mary Earnest Nancy A. Elliott
Malinda Ferguson Jane Myers Chalce Elliott
Polly French James Lloyd Solomon Sullens
Rebecca Goodman Julyann More Perlina Thomas
Joseph Dennison Malissa Lloyd Nancy Thomas
Lewis Paddock Matilda Lloyd Frakes
Belle Elliott James Asborn Cora Thompson
Lizzie Wilson Elijah Frakes Mattie J. Barbee Farmer
Gilbert Devol Belle Frakes Isabel Drake
Belle Johnson Evans Belle McGranahan Charles Keaton
Sarah Liffick Nettie Browning Victoria Johnson
Franklin Trueblood Lincoln Myers Leander Hunt
Sherman Lane Annie Shumaker Hubbard Jane Myers
Amazier VanGilder Lennie Hunt Thomas Gertie Power Abner
Effie Trueblood Harmon James L. Bledsoe Alice Johnson Caton
Mattie Trueblood Frances M. Drake Laura Sharpless
Mary Starkey Bant Drake Sarah Starkey
Amanda Thomas Gertie Meeker Brown John F. Myers
Joseph Thomas Clara Albee S.M. McGranahan
John Jewel Flora Turner Lennie Frakes
Susan Hanley Captolia Williams Delia Johnson
Samantha Trueblood Bailey Fred Roy Stella Bridwell
Charity Bowen Elijah Hanley Artie Hunt Piety
Mollie Fogg Sarah E. Hunt Etta Johnson Kinser
Mollie Gardner Guilford Wilson Ann Frakes
Ida Dota Frakes Levi Wilson Guilford K. Wilson
Flora Wilson Paddock E.L. Wilkinson Ida Wilson
James A. Stout E.J. Wilkinson James W. Rankin
Albert Watson Rufus Wilson Anna Bailey
Maud Reed Banna Holliway G.E. Lloyd
Sarah Bowen F.M. McGranahan T.A. Lloyd
Happy 180th Birthday, 1816-1996, First Prairie Creek Baptist Church, 1966, 1996
By Norah M. Johnson, with revisions by Rev. Ray Dyer, Amy Watson and Nell Moore.
Pp. 17-20; Used with permission.
This page may not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the First Prairie Creek Baptist Church. |
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