Names of ministers who have served the First Prairie Creek Baptist Church as pastors since her organization with the date and time of service as nearly as possible.
Sometimes the minutes failed to give the information.
Isaac McCoy May 1816 March 1817
Aaron Frakes March 1817 March 1821
John Lee 1821 1825
Simon Billings 1825 1829
William Stancel 1829 1840
Elder Asa Frakes 1840 1869
Elder Smock 1869 1870
Asa Frakes 1870 1873
Wm. T. Cuppy 1873 1876
Elder Marlow 1876 1877
Wm. T. Cuppy 1877 1878
Elder Marlow 1878 1878
G.P. Fuson 1878 1881
H.C. Liston 1883 1884
Wm. Fuson 1884 1895
W.A. Shoemaker 1895 1895
B.F. Mugg 1895 1901
Without a Pastor 1901 1901
B.F. Mugg 1901 1902
Without a Pastor 1902 1903
H.C. Riley 1903 1905
P.H. Faulk 1905 1906
Without a Pastor 1906 1907
Elder Swift 1910 1911
J.L. Ryan 1911 1914
Without a Pastor 1914 1915
James H. Paddock 1916 1918
Boyd Tatem 1918 1919
Rev. Kelly 1919 1919
J.L. Ryan 1919 1920
Otho Almon 1920 1921
D.C. Carnahan 1921 1922
Charles Barnes 1922 1923
J.E. Sieford 1924 1925
Bert Saunders 1925 1936
Rev. Morrison 1936 1937
Dale Merrill 1937 1939
Raymond Skelton 1940 1942
Homer Cook 1942 1943
Clyde Robinson and
Eston Boyll 1943 1944
Earl Stevenart 1945 1946
Charles Riley 1946 1947
Lincoln Stafford 1947 1948
Willard Ketner 1950 1959
David Walters 1959 1965
Harold Thomas 1965 1967
Kent Crandell 1967 1977
Ray Dyer 1977 present
Happy 180th Birthday, 1816-1996, First Prairie Creek Baptist Church, 1966, 1996
By Norah M. Johnson, with revisions by Rev. Ray Dyer, Amy Watson and Nell Moore.
Pp. 31-32; Used with permission.
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