Welcome to Mike and Tyna's
little corner of this great big world!

Sit down, put your feet up and spend some time with us.

Care to see us on the day of our wedded bliss?
Then check out our wedding page

Are you another one of those crazy Peter Frampton fans?
Then you'll want to stop by our own Frampton fan page

Our lives wouldn't be complete without music
and we have a page dedicated to some of our favorite musicians

Want to know what's new and exciting in our kitchen?
Then check out the recipes at Cucina Tyna

Care to know more about Mark Tomesek
and his up-and-coming acting career?
then be sure to spend some time at
Mark's place on our website

Be sure to stop back often.
We'll be updating this site as often as possible.

Please use GoodSearch when searching the web
enter Little Flower Elementary School (Toledo, OH)
in the "I'm Supporting" box and Jesse's school will
earn money every time you search the web!
Click this link to get there GoodSearch school banner

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