Cossey's of Canada and Norfolk, UK

Last Updated Dec 28, 1999

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On June 25, 1999 a new addition to the Cossey tree was born. Spencer Thomas Cossey, my second son arrived.

I had to take about a 90 year step backwards in order to start getting the proof needed. I am in the process of getting certificates to verify the info recorded here. Soon I will have all the new info posted. Hopefully it will contain jpg's of the actual documents and some photo's of interest. I should be able to upload from my computer at work.

When my first son was born, I decided to start a family tree in order to have a sense of history to pass on.
As I searched, it became apparent that there has been several migrations of Cossey's to the new world and beyond. I have found them residing in Australia, Belgium, Canada, and the United States of America.

My family is the newcommer to Canada. In 1903 my great Grandfather, Thomas Herbert Cossey and young family, emmigrated from

Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England.

They set up a boat building yard in Keewatin Ontario. One son moved to the USA and others continued out to British Columbia.

The following link will open a searchable database of my family tree: SURNAMES

Please write to me,Greg Cossey ,with your comments, additions or corrections.

The French Connection 1795

A recent letter may lead to clearing up why there are others Cossey's in Canada not apparently related to me. Beth in Tyconderoga, New York, writes that her Great Great Grandfather Joseph Cossey came to Canada from FRANCE in 1795. After fighting for Canada in 1812 he settled in New York, USA.

Other Must See COSSEY Sites:

Alan Cossey's: History of Cossey (Costessey, Norfolk, UK)
Debbie Wassaburger(nee Cossey): Cossey Family Association
Jim & Cecil Cossey's: Cossey Family Site and CREST
Future Cossey CHAT

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Greg Cossey.

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