The Repeater (electronic version)
Newsletter of the Arkansas River Valley Amateur Radio Foundation
Russellville, Arkansas
February, 1999

President: Nick Kennedy,  WA5BDU                               
Vice-President - Margaret Alexander,  KC5MCS                       
Secretary-Treasurer - Charles Hall,  KC5CVG

John Evans, WB5BHS
Dick Koski, W5VUB
Tom Hughes KC5VRI
Les Hendrickson KD5DKL
Dennis Schaefer W5RZ

Newsletter staff
Dennis Schaefer W5RZ
Melissa Schaefer KI5QJ
John Evans WB5BHS
Jonathan Setcer KC5BRY
Charlotte Stockton KC5CKQ

13 - VE Test Session,  9:00 a.m.  ANO Training Center
16 - ARVARF meeting, Ryan's, Meeting at 7:00, those who want to eat, come
at 6:00.
20 - ARVARF Hamfest.  Hughes Community Center, 8:00 a.m.
23 - RACES meeting, 911 building.  7:00 p.m.

Every Saturday  at 0700-0800 - breakfast meeting at Perkins Restaurant.
ARVARF Net - Every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. on 146.82 (except club meeting night)


It's Hamfest time!!!  After months of anticipation, the Hamfest is nearly
here.  The committee has worked hard and really pulled together this year
as usual.  At this writing there are only six tables still available,so if
you want a table,  you need to contact Jonathan Setcer immediately. Several
vendors will be at the Hamfest and if you need anything that is radio
related,  you can probably find it. Your purchases will not only support
those vendors, but they will also insure that we can continue to get good
vendors and that makes our Hamfest continue to be successful.

Melissa has arranged for several informative forums.  We hope you will find
time to sit in on some that are of interest to you.    Dennis and his
committee are putting together a great assortment of prizes.  More money
was allocated to prizes this year.  Be sure to purchase lots of prize
tickets.  Speaking of tickets, Ben has tickets now and you can get them
ahead of time.  That way, you can get in the door quicker to the bargains.

Tables, forums, prizes, and concessions add up to another great Hamfest.
Plan to be there at the Hughes Center, same location, on February 20.
Doors open at 8:00. Plan to stay all day and have a wonderful time visiting
with friends who share your interest in ham radio.  See you then!!!

Margaret Alexander KC5MCS

Plans for the ARVARF Hamfest Feb. 20th are shaping up nicely. The forums
are ready including: Y2K Forum;  ARRL Forum; EMWIN Satellite demonstration;
and a QRP demonstration and forum.  We have Several Vendors registered
including: S & S Radio; Rad-Com Radio; RLS Electronics; T.J.
Garland-Military Surplus; Sid Wilson -Software & Antennas; The Sign Man of
Baton Rouge - badges & Caps; Clear Signal inc.-Antennas & Coax; Gaylon
Pearson-Connectors, cords, plugs, etc.; & ARRL-books, and a Radio Shack
dealer. There will also be a table for ARVARF members to  put a couple of
items on for sale. 

While at the "Dixie-fest" in West Memphis last Saturday, I asked around
about who was coming to Russellville Hamfest on the 20th.  The general
answer was: "I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it!" The tickets are ready. If
you want an advance ticket, the best plan is to, see Ben Hillis either at
Breakfast on Saturday, or at the test session Saturday, Or at the ARVARF
meeting on the 16th.  If you want a flea market table, you better contact
me QUICKLY. As of Monday, there are only 7 tables left! (All but four of
the tables that are already rented have been paid for. And I expect that
"the check's in the mail" for those four). We have a nice list of door
prizes lined up. That should make some folks very happy that they bought an
entry ticket or two. The only thing we need more of is....... Volunteers.
If you can spend even a little time helping out Friday evening, Saturday
Morning, and/or Saturday afternoon, please contact Margaret Alexander: or 968-7270; Jonathan Setcer: or
968-2938; or Ben Hillis-ticket sales: 641-2022

Jonathan Setcer KC5BRY


Eight people  died when tornadoes struck in the vicinity of Little Rock and
White County, Arkansas, January 21. The National Weather Service called it
"an unprecedented outbreak of tornadoes for January."

Arkansas Section Manager Roger Gray, N5QS, in Searcy, reports he was up all
night and observed four or five funnel clouds, but he estimated that at
least 30 tornadoes swept through the area. Gray has been actively managing
the ARES operation. "We have had an incredible response from the amateur
community," he said. He estimated that up to 60 hams were active on VHF and
HF nets. "We have been running nets almost continuously since 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon and no end in sight," he added.

Gray said five weather-spotting net control stations were active. The EC in
charge, James Wiles, KK5WM, in Beebe, suffered damage to his house and had
to move operations to a Red Cross shelter, Gray reported. Hams are expected
to become involved in damage assessment.

"Another wild night in Arkansas," said ARRL Vice President Joel Harrison,
W5ZN, in Judsonia, who reported "lots of damage" in his area. "I have to
tell you, in my 41 years of living here, I have never seen storms like we
had last night," he said. Harrison said the first line came through around
5 PM, "then another, and another, and another for what seemed like every
half hour till about 10:30 PM."

"The damage in a 10 mile radius around my home is horrible!" Harrison said.
Arkansas State University in Beebe--where his son, Mark, attends school--had
extensive damage. "There is considerable damage in Little Rock, even to the
Governor's Mansion," he added.
(From The ARRL Letter)


9:00 a.m.  Y2K forum conducted by John Evans, WB5BHS
9:30 a.m.  Antenna Modeling forum conducted by Kelsey Mikel, KK5KU
10:00 a.m. ARRL forum conducted by Roger Gray, N5QS
11:00 a.m.  QRP forum conducted by Jay Bromley, W5JAY, and Kelsey Mikel, KK5KU
11:00 a.m.  Arkansas DX Association quarterly meeting

QRP demonstration by Jay Bromley, W5JAY and Kelsey Mikel, KK5KU
EMWIN weather satellite demonstration by Charles Shingleur, KF5JH


Kenwood TM-261 2-meter mobile
Alinco 5W Handie-talkie
MFJ-259B Antenna Analyzer
MFJ Morse Code Tutor
There will be many other prizes, including station accessories, antennas,
and books.  There will be a door prize given in each forum.


Margaret Alexander called meeting to order at 7:00 PM.   Minutes were
accepted as written in newsletter.

Financial report was accepted as presented during meeting.  A video of John
Stockton was shown having Christmas Dinner  with a family in California and
on the local TV news.  John will be stationed in England for the next two
(2) years.

Dennis said RACES meeting would be January 26th.
Ben said a test session would be February 13.
Joel Harrison informed us that enforcement was moving forward.

Roger Gray, Section Manager for Arkansas was promoting ARRL membership:
"Notify your Director of any problems.  If you are NOT a member of the
ARRL, you should not complain about what they do." ARRL is looking for
OO's.  He also spoke of Y2K. He gave us a lot of  scare tactics, then said
he would not worry about it.

Meeting was adjurned at 7:31 PM

Charles W. Hall, KC5CVG,   Secretary

Green Country Hamfest-Oklahoma State Convention- Maxwell Convention Center,
7th & Houston, Tulsa OK March 19-20, 1999. for info.: 24 hour hotline:

Http://  e-mail

Little Rock Hamfest - Expo Center I-30 exit 126. April 23-24, 1999. for
info. contact Jim Blackmon, 870-246-7833.     


The Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club Hamfest 99 Will be held on Saturday,
March 13, 1999 at the Fort Smith Civic Center Its behind the Holiday Inn
Down Town Ft. Smith. 55 South Seventh

Special Guest "Doug Hendricks of NorCal QRP club"
Homebrew and Kit Building Contest
VE - testing 10:00 a.m.

Doors will open at 8:30 a.m.
Setup Time Sat. 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Talk-in 146.64 - W5ANR
Admission $5.00 - 16 Free
Flea Market Tables $10.00 each Easy Setup
Electricity Available for $5.00 extra

Mail To: Fort Smith Area Amateur Radio Club (FSAARC),  P.O. Box 32,   Fort
Smith, Ar. 72901

Hamfest Chairman: Win Dooley WB5KOM
e-mail   Phone 501-785-5313

Hamfest Co-Chairman: Kelsey Mikel KK5KU
e-mail  Phone 501-452-2525


Radio amateurs around the world joined in mourning the death over the
weekend of Jordan's King Hussein, JY1.  Hussein, 63, died Sunday morning.
The Middle East's longest-reigning ruler, he'd been Jordan's king for 47
years, taking the throne when he was just a


Several ARVARF members were active in helping with the recent tornado in
Pottsville.  On Saturday night, February 9, Pope County was under a
thunderstorm warning, but there was not a tornado watch.  The storm did not
seem particularly severe, but we started a weather net just in case.  There
were some windy conditions in Yell County, Crow Mountain, and other areas,
but nothing too threatening.  About 9:45, the TV showed a tornado warning
for the area north of Atkins.  KB5ZNP and KD5CJU reported that a tornado
had apparently hit Pottsville before the warning was issued.   

The Red Cross needed to assess the  damage, so Melissa and I went to
Pottsville and KC5BRY took over net control of the weather net.  Although
there were roadblocks at the affected area, the police were very courteous
and let us go wherever we wanted to.  However, we were glad to be carrying
both Red Cross and RACES ID cards!  We did what damage assessment we could
in the dark and looked for people who were displaced from their homes.  The
Red Cross can provide temporary lodging after a disaster.  However,
everyone had already gone to motels or relative's houses. 

The next morning, we went back.  The tornado apparently crossed Hwy 247
south of Pottsville, passed over Ellis Rd. causing lots of shingle damage
and destroying numerous outbuildings.  Then it touched down briefly in the
Gibson Rd area in the south part of Pottsville.  Two mobile homes were
destroyed and another heavily damaged.  One of the mobile homes that was
destroyed was occupied by 6 people at the time.  The only injury was a
minor bump on the head!  We did find some people to assist that day,
putting one couple up in a motel until they could find a new place to rent,
and advising others to go to the Red Cross office on Monday for assistance
with clothing and household goods. 

James (N5UNM) and Kathy Judd did an extensive damage assessment of areas
north of I-40.  They found several damaged buildings, including a mobile
home with a large tree on it.  The tornado apparently continued on into
Conway County, but stayed in the air after hitting the mobile homes.

Dennis, W5RZ


"DixieFest '99"- The Dixie Amateur Radio Group's first attempt at a hamfest
was a HUGE success in this writers opinion. The location was good - easy to
find, plenty of parking, easy unloading. The building was well lighted and
clean. The folks in charge were very friendly and easy to work with. They
were very well organized down to the smallest detail. They had a good
balance between vendors and flea market tables. And they had decent door
prizes. I didn't attend any of the forums, or the V.E. testing, but I saw
lots of folks come out of the room smiling, so I assume those went well too.

The only problem I saw was at 9 AM when they opened the doors, there were
SO MANY people that came in there was "human gridlock" for over an hour.
You had to move with the crowd, at the speed the crowd was moving. There
was no turning around or going back. If you wanted to visit a particular
table a second time, the only thing to do was stay in the loop and
eventually you would make a second circuit of the room.

They announced that they have a reservation at a bigger building for FEB.
4th, 2000.  Based on what I saw Saturday, I'LL BE THERE.

Jonathan Setcer, KC5BRY

(Continued from January)

Step Seven: Whenever possible, use the wrong terminology. It keeps people
guessing. Use "modulation" when you mean "deviation", and vice-versa.

Step Eight: If someone asks for a break, always finish your turn, taking as
long as possible before turning it over. Whenever possible, pass it around
a few times first. This will discourage the breaker, and if it is an
emergency, encourage him to switch to another repeater and not bother

Step Nine: Always ask involved questions of the person who is trying to
sign out. Never let him get by with just a "yes" or "no" answer. Make it a
question that will take him a long time to answer.

Step Ten: The less you know on a subject, the more you should speculate
about it in the roundtable. Also the amount of time you spend on the
subject should be inversely proportionate to your knowledge of the subject
even thought you have no clue.

Step Eleven: Always make sure you try to communicate with only a handheld
and a rubber duck antenna. Also, make sure you work through a repeater that
you can hear, but it cannot hear you. This will put out a kind of "RN
mating call": "Well, Joe, I can hear the repeater just fine here. I wonder
why it can't hear me?" You will score maximum RN points if you are mobile,
and with the radio lying in the passenger seat.

Step Twelve: If you hear two amateurs start a conversation, wait until they
are twenty seconds into their contact, and then break in to make a call, or
better yet to use the auto-patch. Make sure you keep the repeater tied up
for at least three minutes. This way, once the two have re-established
contact, they won't even remember what they were talking about.

Step Thirteen: You hear someone on the repeater giving directions to a
visiting amateur. Even if the directions are good, make sure you break in
with your own "alternate route but better way to get there" version.  This
is most effective with several other "would-be RNs", each giving a
different route. By the time the visiting amateur unscrambles all the
street names whizzing by in his mind, he should have moved out of the range
of the repeater. This keeps you from having to stick around to help the guy
get back out of town, later.

Step Fourteen: Always end each transmission with "Over", "Roger?",
"QSL?",or  "Back to you..." Otherwise, the repeater unkeying, and/or the
courtesy tone on the repeater might not be enough indication to your fellow
"RN" that  it is his turn to talk.

Step Fifteen: Always use the National Calling Frequency for general
conversations. The more uninteresting, the longer you should use it. Extra
points are awarded if you have recently move from an adjacent frequency for
no reason. Make sure when DX is comming in on 52.525 that you hang out
there and talk to your friends five miles down the road about the good old
CB days!

Step Sixteen: Make sure that if you have a personal problem with someone,
you should voice your opinion in a public forum, especially a net. Make
sure you give their name, call, and any other identifying remarks. For
maximum points, make sure the person in question is not on the repeater, or
not available.

Step Seventeen: Make sure you say the first few words of each transmission
twice, especially if it is the same thing each time. Like "roger, roger" or
"fine business, fine business". I cannot stress enough about encouraging

Step Eighteen: If you hear a conversation on a local repeater, break in and
ask how each station is receiving you. Of course they will only see the
signal of the repeater you are using, but it's that magic moment when you
can find a fellow "RN", and get the report. Extra points are awarded if you
are using a base station, on high power, and the repeater is less than
twenty-five air miles from you.

These eighteen easy steps should put you well on your way to "RN-Hood". I
hope these helpful hints will save you some time in your quest to sound
like the perfect "RN". I should also note that these steps need not apply
to simplex operation, as nobody really cares because that HTX-202 isn't
going to get out too far with just a rubber duck anyway.


The MARC Club of Little Rock  will sponsor a special event station from
Romance, Ar on February 13, 1999 from 9:00 a. m. CST to 3:00 p.m. CST.

Call will be: N5RLJ-- phonetics Nuptial 5 Romeo Loves Juliet.Frequencies
will be 14.265, 21.350, 28.465 MHZ.  For QSL (SASE please) send to:
David Flake  N5RLJ, 2043 Dean Martin Drive
 Cabot, Arkansas  72023