The Repeater (electronic version)
Newsletter of the Arkansas River Valley Amateur Radio Foundation
Russellville, Arkansas
June, 1999

President: Nick Kennedy,  WA5BDU                               
Vice-President - Margaret Alexander,  KC5MCS                       
Secretary-Treasurer - Charles Hall,  KC5CVG

John Evans, WB5BHS
Dick Koski, W5VUB
Tom Hughes KC5VRI
Les Hendrickson KD5DKL
Dennis Schaefer W5RZ

Newsletter staff
Dennis Schaefer W5RZ
Melissa Schaefer KI5QJ
John Evans WB5BHS
Jonathan Setcer KC5BRY
Charlotte Stockton KC5CKQ



15 - ARVARF meeting, Ryan's, Meeting at 7:00, those who want to eat, come
at 6:00.

22 - RACES meeting, 911 building.  7:00 p.m.

26-27 Field Day

Every Saturday  at 0700-0800 - breakfast meeting at Perkins Restaurant.

ARVARF Net - Every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. on 146.82 (except club meeting night)


Plans for Field Day 1999 are well underway.  Field day is on June 26 and 27
this year and our effort will take place at Caudle Overlook, past the
Visitor's Center in Old Post Road Park in southern Russellville. 

ARVARF will operate as K5PXP, except the Novice station will use to call of
the person coordinating that station.  We will be in class 2A, which means
we can have two regular HF stations, one "Novice/tech station" (10 meters),
and a VHF station on the air at all times.  It takes lots of operators to
keep four stations running, so we hope everyone will come out and join the
fun.  There will be plenty of opportunities to operate no matter what your
interest is.  

Setup will begin Friday evening and finish on Saturday morning.  Exact
times will be announced at the June meeting.  Be sure and come to the
meeting and participate in the planning session.  The contest begins at
1:00 on Saturday and ends at 1:00 on Sunday. 

There will be a pot-luck picnic on Saturday evening at 6:00.  ARVARF will
supply the hot dogs, buns, and condiments.  Bring side dishes, chips,
desserts, and something to drink.    Come out and join in the fellowship.


Hams checking the prestigious Wall Street Journal for the latest business
news and stock quotes June 2 also found some Amateur Radio news--smack in
the middle of page 1 and above the fold. A story by Staff Reporter Lee
It Keep the Barbarians At Bay, or Is It Fueling The Decline of a Culture?"
discusses the current code versus no-code debate in Amateur Radio.

"Morse Code is a dying language in the Digital Age, but it's still required
reading for amateur radio buffs," Gomes' story begins. His report outlines
the broad strokes of the controversy and the impending FCC streamlining
that is expected to address future Morse code requirements for amateurs. It
also quotes the FCC's Bill Cross, W3TN, as "the FCC's lead staff person on
the question," and reports that the FCC "is contemplating relaxing the
Morse Code requirement."

Gomes cites Bruce Perens, K6BP, of No Code International, who--in Gomes
words--considers Morse code "an antiquated technology" and "a turnoff for
young people." "Perens is in the minority," Gomes asserts. "Most licensees
don't want any change in the requirement--especially since they have
already passed the test themselves."

Taking the opposite viewpoint in Gomes' article is Nancy Kott, WZ8C, of
FISTS, which Gomes describes as a "militant pro-Morse group." Gomes says
Kott "all but accuses the no-coders of taking bribes from ham radio makers"
and claims they want the code requirements dropped to attract more hams and
sell more equipment.

Gomes reports that FISTS members fear a lot of bad, on-air behavior
"without the screening provided by the Morse Code requirement." Perens,
Gomes says, is not concerned about a "post-Morse ham world inhabited by
barbarians."  Perens points out for the article that applicants still will
have to pass "rigorous tests" to get a ticket. Besides, Gomes quotes Perens
as saying, "The riffraff have no reason to leave the Internet."

The article is silent on the issue of ITU regulations requiring a
demonstration of Morse proficiency for HF operation and on the fact that a
codeless class of Amateur Radio license already exists. And, at one point
it refers to Morse code as "dits and duhs."

In the course of researching his article, Gomes contacted the ARRL for
background information. The complete article is available via the Web for a
fee to registered users of the Wall Street Journal's interactive page,

(From The ARRL Letter)


It's here!  Field Day month, sometimes known as June, is upon us. 

As you all know, this year we'll miss the talents and enthusiasm of FD-98
mainstay Jon Caery, KC5LVW as he recuperates from a terrible auto accident.
But let's all have faith in the idea that we're going to have Jon back for
future ARVARF Field Days.

I think we're going to have several people who've been watching from the
sidelines step up and get into the thick of it this year.  I encourage you
to be among them. 

OK, now for some specifics.  We will be operating from Caudle Overlook,
which is just up the hill from Old Post Park at the Dardanelle Dam
(Russellville side).  We'll have stations for SSB, CW, Novice/Tech and
probably VHF going simultaneously.  The contest period goes from 1 PM
Saturday, June 26th until 1 PM Sunday.  We'll be setting up Friday
afternoon/evening and Saturday morning.  Come out and help a bit if you
can. We'll also have the traditional Saturday evening pot luck and hot dog
cookout.  If you don't care for the other activities, at least drop in for
supper and a visit.

So that's the low-down.  We've got the operators, the equipment and the
experience.  I'm predicting cool weather and hot band conditions.  Let's
have some last minute strategy talk at the club meeting on June 15th.  I'll
see you then and again on Field Day.


Nick, WA5BDU


Jon Caery, KC5LVW, and his co-worker, Andrew Bates, were seriously injured
in a vehicle  accident on I-40.   Jon's wife is Victoria, KC5SZM, and his
father-in-law by marriage is Tom Ott, KG5WJ.  Jon is in the burn ward at
Arkansas Children's Hospital and is listed in serious condition.  Accounts
to defray hospital and other costs have been set up.  Donations for Jon may
be made at Regions Bank and donations for Andrew may be made at Superior

We will keep you posted as we learn of Jon's progress.  We know he has a
long and painful road ahead, and  we also know that ARVARF members will
support Jon and his family with their thoughts, prayers, and actions.


May 18, 1999 ARVARF meeting minutes: Nick Kennedy opened meeting at 7:00
P.M..  Minutes were  approved as printed in newsletter.  Area hamfests were
announced.  CD Rom Call Book available at discounts if ordered by the club.
 Anyone interested should contact Charles Hall, KC5CVG for more
information.  Field day activities discussed.  Clean up date not yet set
for repeater sight.  Need hamfest chairman.  Hamfest set for February 19,
2000.  A plaque was presented to Melissa Schaefer for service to ARVARF as
president for 2 years.  Balances in checking accounts were announced.
Financial reports will be given on a quarterly basis.  Meeting adjorned at
7:19 P.M..  Program was presented by John Evans on contesting.  I believe
it was especially given for the benefit of Jerry W.(HA! HA!).

Charles Hall KC5CVG


Sell or trade- Icom 737 H.F. radio, built in tuner 2 antenna switch, etc.
$850.  Icom 728 H.F radio., attached Icom auto-tuner $650.   Icom 207H dual

band mobile like new $285.  Kenwood 300A 2 meter all mode base $300.
Dentron GLA-1000 H.F. Base amplifier. New matched tubes. 100 watts in = 600
watts out.$295.   Swan 1200X H.F. amplifier 100 watts in = 500 watts out.
$245. Gonset 201 1968 model. 83 lbs. 100 watts in = 500+ watts out. $235.
KLM 40 meter rotatable dipole (looks like half a beam) $100.  MFJ 1278B
turbo TNC etc. $150.  Call 968-2938 or email

For Sale - Pentium 150 computer, CD-ROM, 1.6 Gb hard drive, 32 MB RAM, NEC
4D monitor, Windows 95, $350.00.   Dennis, W5RZ 967-4372 or


Packet is back!  After seeing little interest for several years, the area
now has several enthusiastic packeteers.  Our nodes have been lightning
damaged, and after radio and TNC repairs by KF5JH, lightning got the power
supply.  We are in the process of deciding how to rebuild a good node.
What frequency should we use?  Should we try to support more than one node?
Should we use the old Micors or the Alinco mobile?  Battery and charger or
power supply? .82 repeater site or "old" site?  Send your comments to
Dennis, W5RZ.