Welcome to My Roots

Welcome! This represents the information I've collected on various family lines for 25 years. Family lines include: Allis, Frerichs, Hester, Ihmels, Joy, Shafer, Shattuck, Stovall, Thayer, Watts, Willson/Wilson. To the best of my ability I have tried to verify all information, but every now and then something slips by. Therefore, I do recommend you also verify the information. I must request that if you decide to use any of the family information contained herein in a published work that you contact me for permission at the following e-mail address: Kay's E-mail

Table of Contents

Many Thanks

Genealogists Prayer

Please remember our troops overseas and at home! Remember always that each one of us must protect the freedom we hold so dear!



© 2000 Kay S. Diekemper

Updated 12/31/02