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This is a Tribute to my
Sweet Angel Scott
and all others who have lost a
Loved One.

I would like to thank
Diane Lee (wife of Jimmy Lee)
for her help on this page
Thank you my friend.
Love ya.

Jimmy's Page

Our Angels Birthdays

Althea Rose Smith ~ August 1, 1917

Our Angels Heavenly Dates

Shanna Lynn Webb ~ August 14, 1997
Bette May Starrantino ~ August 10, 1970

All Pictures through out here of my family
and the pictures of others family are not
to be taken or used with out permission from me
or from the families they belong too. Thank you.

My Angel Scott My Angel Grand~Mother

My Angel's Page for Loved Ones

Angel Wings of Gold After Life Eternal

My Awards Page My Webrings

My Links Page

that touch my HEART


In Loving Memory of
~Scott Baldwin~
Heart Strings Connection
June 2001

In the Still of His Life

He settles comfortably in a thicket on the forest floor
He feels the dampness of the leaf - carpeted cushion
below his lean body. He hears the plaintive coo of doves
in the morning quiet. He see the shafts of sunlight filtering
through the branches of the surrounding majestic trees. He
observes the brilliantly colored birds as they flit here and
there. He enjoys the light kiss of the breeze on his face. He
smiles as he becomes aware of the graceful doe and her playful
fawn. He loves this tiny part of nature created by his God above
He sighs as he realizes this will be his last visit here but without
regret. As God extends His loving hand to lead him on his next
journey of life He sheds a tear of thankfulness for being blessed
one more time with his favorite place...his paradise on earth.

Diane Lee

Please check back often.
I will be changing
this page with each holiday.

This page was done with love
by Debbie Baldwin
June 23, 2001

Rose button Graphics created and
© 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
by Dorothy Toston Combs

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