June 1997, Prayer LetterDear Brethren, We have just returned from
two months of meetings in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware,
Pennsylvania and Indiana. The Lord gave us five souls in four different
churches. Four of them were Hispanics and three of them were from
Mexico and Peru and didn’t speak
We are working on getting our visas and this week we are starting our shots and medical test. We don’t know yet how much this is going to cost but we hope we can get some of the shots from the Health Department. The doctor we are going to goes to Honduras about every two years and he is going to make sure we have all the shots we need and is going to give us some medical supplies to take with us. When he makes his trips to Honduras, he will come and check us out and make sure we are doing fine. This is an unexpected blessing and we praise God for it. Please continue to pray that everything goes smoothly with our visas and shipping. We also need your prayers in finding a place to live in the area God wants us. Your fellow-laborer in Christ,