Yes Folks, this is me. Scary ain't it? One of these days I'm going to sit down and tell you a bit about myself. For now I'll just tell you that I have a lot of interests. I'm a patchwork kind of gal and I have no rhyme nor reason.
I remarried about a year ago and I am totally in love with my husband, he's my best friend. I have two Yorkshire Terriers, Sprite and Squirt, and a Llasa Apso named Blondie. This is my family and they are the loves of my life.
I have been doing beadwork of all kinds for about 8 years now and like to try lot's of new stuff. I consider myself an artist with them and do lot's of out of the ordinary stuff. I work with buckskin and feathers along with my beads. There's no end to the combinations I can put together with this medium. It's a passion with me.
I'm also into the computer a lot and don't know how I ever lived without one! I find it just amazing and can't get enough of it.

We live in the hot Arizona desert out in the middle of
nowhere land and we love it here.
No electricity yet, but we have WATER!!! Yeah!!!
We recently had a well put in
and what a difference that makes!


This page © 1998; By Hawk. Created 1997.

Last updated on Auguest 8, 2003