Directions For Downloading Sound Files

If you have netscape navigator try looking in options, then general preferences, then clicking on the helpers tab. You'll see a long list with a scroll bar. Scroll down until you see file type audio/x-wav and click on it. To the right of the file type is the action. The "action" is the program it launches to play a wav file. It's probably on some default program like NAPLAYER. Try changing it to something like sound ole or media player.

First find out where a better program like mplayer or sound ole might be on your computer. IE hit "start", "find", "files or folders" and then type either soundole or mplayer in the named window and click find now. If it finds it it will say something like: Mplayer c:/windows 145KB Application (it is the c:/windows you needed to know) Now to change the program in netscape go back into netscape, then options, general preferences, helpers. Scroll back down to and click the audio/x-wav. You will see a window lower on the same screen with a button marked "browse" next to it. That window shows where it is finding the program to play wav files.

Click the browse button and follow the directories until you can click the new program name. IE if mplayer was in c:/windows you would want to click "Look in" [C:], beneath all the folders that are in C will appear and you click "Windows", then all the folders and/or programs in the windows folder appear and you DOUBLE click MPLAYER. Once you double click it you will be brought back to the helpers screen and you will see that Mplayer (Or soundole or whatever program you pointed it to) is now your action for wav files.

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