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Last Updated On 9-25-99

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My Ramblings  8-25-99

My Garden 6-22-99

Kids Quotes 6-22-99

Words of Wisdom 9-25-99

Kid Stuff  9-25-99

Cool Links 9-25-99

Net Friends 8-4-99


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Hi! My name is Laura, and I am a 36 year old home maker and Webmaster from Michigan. I am married to Rob, a great guy who is 37. I have 3 kids; Jamie age 5, Stephanie age 9, and Melissa my stepdaughter from Texas who is 14 (yikes! a teenager!)

This is my home page, and I have compiled some humor, fun, and basic silliness. I also have something to say once in a while and you can find "My Ramblings" here too, so keep looking,, and hopefully you'll see something of interest!


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