Likker's Home Page

UPDATE: Our beloved Likker passed over to the Rainbow Bridge recently. We miss him terribly--he was always so spunky, so loyal, and full of love! His friend, Daisy, was lost without him, but now she has crossed over the Bridge, too. I'm sure they are together, chasing each other and pulling all the little stunts they used to pull! Please enjoy the pictures below, and remember both of them as the playful, mischievous pups that they were.

Hi! My name is Likker. I was given that name because, when I first met my family, all I did was lick everyone's hands and feet! My sire was Brewster Brite, and my dam was Lisa's Lil' Schotzie. I am now twelve years old and still going strong! I am a miniature schnauzer, supposedly salt-n-pepper colored, but because I'm so old now I'm mostly gray! (I know, it happens to the best of us!) Despite my "advanced years," I manage to be pretty active. In fact, I'm a bit of a "character" around here because I tend to "start" things, and my pal, Daisy (the Great Dane), who is much younger and hasn't quite caught on to my tricks yet, is usually the one who gets in trouble for it! I especially like to steal food from--well, from everyone, for that matter, except from my Mom and Dad. (They usually share anyway.) It's a little risky, though. Daisy doesn't take too kindly to it, and sometimes gets downright nasty! It's not that I'm hungry--one look at my roly poly body proves that--I just like to try other things! I guess it tastes better coming from someone else's food dish! Anyway, it's a bad habit, I know, but I love it when I get away with it!!


My Favorite Things

Favorite movie: "101 Dalmations"

Favorite song: "Talk to the Animals"

Favorite snack: popcorn!! I can smell it a mile away!!

Favorite food: I'll eat just about anything--that's why I'm so fat! (It would help, too, if I'd quit stealing everyone else's food)

Favorite toy: I don't really have any. I like to chase tennis balls--but I never bring them back! Don't ask why--I don't know!

Favorite pasttime: I love to roll around and rub my back on the carpet, then lay in the sun and take a good, long nap! I can also play "dead"--it takes a few tries. (I tend to mostly just roll over--it makes my family think they're teaching me something when I finally "get it.")

My Photo Album


Here are a few photos of yours truly! I'm a little hard to pin down sometimes, so there aren't as many pics of me as there are of Daisy. Actually, my "Mom" was too lazy to dig through all the photo albums, but she swears she'll add more later!! Meanwhile, take a look at these!

Well, here I am as a cute little puppy! I hadn't had my first haircut yet, and as you'll notice later, my coat color has changed over the years! (Ain't I cute?)




I'm a few years older in this picture. It was taken on a lovely Easter Sunday. I'm just enjoying the beautiful spring day. (Notice how I'm a little more gray now????)


Happy New Year! I like to celebrate the holidays just like everyone else! My New Year's Resolution is to try not to steal my friend Daisy's food!




One of my duties is to guard the front yard--through the window, of course. Nobody's gonna mess with me!! (Did you see those two cute little poodles out there? Oooh weee!!)




I love playing with my Mom's tennis balls. The family tries to play fetch with me, but I never bring the ball back! It takes all my energy to run in one direction--let them come get it from me! I'm looking a little scraggly here, too--one of those bad hair days, I guess.



I don't get the joke, but my family refers to this as my "helicopter ears" pose. I'm looking a little fierce here, aren't I? Maybe that's cuz they keep sticking that darn camera in my face!!





These are some of my favorite sites to visit. More will be added later.

Schnauzers 'R' Us

Schnauzer Adoption & Rescue


Got any comments? Send Email!!


Well, folks, that's all there is for now! Hope you've enjoyed your visit! Don't forget to check out my pal Daisy's homepage!





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