Wit's End Gallery


Come inside and see some of my work. Unfortunately, there isn't much new work going on right now--if I'd stay off the computer, I could get more done!! Just click on the image if you'd like to see a larger view of the work.


Attadoll Denise Pencil Portrait
Eucalyptus Laura Fishing Orange flower

I am also an amateur photographer. Actually, photography is my first love. I got my first camera when I was seven years old, and have been taking pictures ever since. I've never made any money from it, and lately I've gotten pretty rusty. But here's some of my past and recent work. Again, if you'd like to see a larger image, just click on the picture (except for "Stoneplace" and "Laura & Friend").

A Thoughtful Spot Father/Daughter Stoneplace

Laura & friend

Okay, okay--so this isn't my work. But, what did you think of everything else??


**All artwork on this page (except Mona Lisa and graphics) copyright © 2007 Wit's End Studio. Please do not take it with you!


Got any comments or suggestions? Email Stevieann

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The music you are listening to is "Silent Tears" Copyright © 1997 Tom Williams III