Stevieann's Poetry Page


"A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds."

--Percy Bysshe Shelley, A Defense of Poetry

Untitled #1

The wind blows the moon away
Darkness moves in,
Lightning floods the sky
then subsides.

The wolf darts into the shadows
watching me.
Her eyes glisten--
bore into my soul.

Our eyes lock.
I feel her breath,
Her heart pounding in my chest.
She nods, slowly,
We are one.

Lady in White

Sleeveless, cream-colored dress
wrinkled and soiled.
"Don't I look pretty?"

Webbed shawl wrapped
tightly 'round bony shoulders;
One hand pressed to
her throat.

She saunters through the
crowded street like a
People move away from her.
Some laugh, roll their eyes.
Some fear her, give her
Mothers pull wide-eyed, staring children

"Never mind her," they say.
She smiles menacingly--
a wide, toothless grin.
"Aren't I pretty?"

Thick black mascara,
with points like a star,
surrounds her wild blue eyes
and drips down onto hollow cheeks.

Is she mad?
Is she suffering, locked in a crazed mind,
escaping the horror of life?

Ugly, scaly feet stuffed carelessly
into cheap, gold sandals.
Dirt crusts around protruding ankle bones.

Ratty hair--long, white-gold,
scraggly, draping over
shoulders, crawling in
tangles down her scrawny

Who is this woman?
Where did she come from?
Does anyone care?

We fear people like her.
She makes us feel uneasy,
We turn our heads in disgust.

She growls, flexes her razor-sharp claws
like a cat.
Stay back!
Keep away!
We stroll on into our comfortable lives.
The lady in white descends
into the darkness
of the night.

Untitled #2

Cancel the storm watch.
Sunlight fades to shadow.
Wolves sway in their moondance.
Lady in white thumps
on brick steps.
Pain floods a beggar's heart,
drops rosary beads into his tin can.
Glazed eyes flash white light.
Solitude fills this crowded
chants catastrophe.

Rain Dance

Hollow thunder
rolls across my heart,
setting it's rhythm.
Lightning enters
fills us with fire, heat.

We move together,
together again.
A low, gentle taptaptap
begins as rain drops seek
their place among the dancers.

We dance faster, faster.
The music grows louder, louder.
We spin, roll, crash
becoming one sound,
one movement.

Suddenly, quiet.
The dance ends as quickly as it began.
Gentle rain cools the heart.

Untitled #3

A white-gold sliver of Moon,
and her companion, Star,
greet me warmly.
Together we drift carelessly
in a rich, black sky.
Only they know my secret.
I crave darkness,
seek Solitude in the night.
Daylight coldly reveals raw wounds,
leaves me naked, vulnerable.
The Moon fades;
Morning summons me.
Time to play the game until Evening brings release.

If you're just dying for more of my poetry, click on the titles below:

Quiet Scream
Guitar Slinger
The Wind and the Trees
A Lesson in Love

All poetry on this page copyright © 2007 Wit's End Studio. Please do not take it with you--it wouldn't be a very nice thing to do!
The Cyber Faerie, Lady Stephanie, above was adopted at Ophelia's Life. Click on "Ophelia's Life" to adopt a cyber faerie of your own!


Got any comments or suggestions? Email Stevieann

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