The Writer's Block

This is going to be a new section, for those of you who just love writing--and reading, as well! Romance, thrillers, mysteries--whatever you like, I'm hoping to provide some useful information. As a budding best-selling author myself, being a writer can be a very frustrating, lonesome career. I've only recently started sending my work out, and though I've had many positive reactions, no one has yet offered to publish my work. But I'm not giving up--it really is the process that I enjoy. If I get published--great. If not, it won't keep me from writing. It's just something I HAVE to do! I'm hoping to use this page as a reference for those of you who love to write, as well as read. I have found all sorts of links out there. These are mostly for romance writers, but I'll be adding others as well. Besides, it doesn't hurt to add a little romance to your own life!


Please bear with me as I get this under way. I'm also trying my hand at creating my own backgrounds and graphics. I'm not at all familiar with doing so, but I think I'll figure it out eventually. In the meantime, please enjoy the rest of my pages and check back here often!




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