About Me!!!!

A little bit about ME....

I am Alise! I was born in Garden Grove, Ca. 35 years ago and I still live in California with my daughter Allison (5). I also have two boys who live with their father; Nicholas (16) and Adam (12). Click here to see a picture of my family. Until a few years ago, I was a waitress and bartendress at a hotel near my home. I enjoyed my job a lot....and the money even more!!! But all good things come to an end and I am now a Domestic Engineer (ie: Stay at home Mom) and full time student. I'm studying to be a Nurse. I know I'm starting out pretty late in life going to school, but better late than never!!!

And as you can see, I love Winnie the Pooh! I also enjoy, chatting with friends at yahoo chat rooms, taking pictures, decorating my house

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