My Cyber Friends and Family
 This Page is a list of web pages of the different friends and family in cyberspace.  These are people I know personally from either regular chat or meeting in person.  If you like my web site then by all means please go to each of these pages for many delightful pages.

Bagwell Corner  Sheryl is also known as my cyber twin. We work on many songs together and chat often.  Her husband calls me Goofy and her Pluto.  In fact, if you click on Pluto you will go to her page, or if you click on Goofy you will go to mine. This site is well well worth your visit.

Susan's World    This is my real life sister.  The first in my family next to me who has a web site up.  Be sure to stop in and visit to learn more about her and her family.

The Whelchel Habitat   This is a friend of mine who I'm on two different lists with.   I'm especially excited about her page because I helped her some on it so I have personal interest.  She has a page for each family member and they have the neatest interests.  Be sure to bookmark it while you're there.

Kitchen Science This page is run by my friend Margot Hovely.  If you need some food storage tips, recepies, money saving ideas or even need to buy some related items, this is the page for you.  Make sure to visit often because this page changes ALL the time.

Janine's House of Rainbows  and other delightful things.   I've had the privelage of knowing Janine for a couple of months through sister share.  She has been working hard, very hard, on this web page.  Sometimes shes hardly had any sleep and still worked on it.  I've had the best time helping her.  To hear her excitement when she saw the page work for the first time was great.  Be sure to stop by and share in the enjoyment.